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Visionbuilder t1_j08q73t wrote

What a dumb cunt… doesn’t he know they sell ladders in Mexico? Hell, those containers aren’t that heavy, a couple of big trucks and some chains and you have a nice big hole… stupid cunt


malphonso t1_j08r5px wrote

Even better, amugglers can cut their way in and have a staging/drop-off area. With a little work, they can even disguise the entrances so that casual observation won't give them away.


arghabargle t1_j08x3rg wrote

And then they have an overland tunnel system that can't be monitored by cameras or even drive-by patrols.

They can even use a short underground tunnel system to come up through the bottom of whatever container they want without ever being seen.


SidewaysFancyPrance t1_j0ai3br wrote

It's probably not to hard to install rungs/steps in the side of these containers with the right portable drill.