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rooftopfilth t1_j1m9gk9 wrote

That is a really, really bad sign. That doesn’t just come from one incident with the car. That lady was neglecting them hard.

Edit: the kidnapper, not the biomom! That was unclear. Kiddo went missing Monday and had an entire week of cries going unheard.


Poverload237 t1_j1mrnwm wrote

Yes, yes it does. That baby was left for 48 hours in a car in snow, sub-freezing temperatures and no food. Absolutely yes it can take just 1 traumatic event like this.

Additionally, saying the mother was intentionally neglecting her kids, with 0 proof, is a horrendous accusation and a huge leap from any known information. She made an incredibly stupid mistake but that doesn't make her neglectful. Don't throw accusations at people with no proof to back it up.


rooftopfilth t1_j1oubyx wrote

I’m saying the kidnapper was neglecting them! My understanding was that kiddo had been kidnapped at least days or weeks before he was found in the car. Did I misread?

I’m guessing that the lady who stole the car and the kid wasn’t exactly taking amazing care of the infant who happened to be in the backseat.


Poverload237 t1_j1ovpan wrote

I'm so sorry, I COMPLETELY misunderstood your comment. I thought you were saying that the baby hadn't gotten that bad in the time he was kidnapped and that the baby's mom had neglected him, so I am SO SORRY for misreading your comment!!!

100% yes the kidnapper neglected him. I absolutely agree with you there! From what I read on the case, it was around 2-3 days from the time the baby was kidnapped and the time he was found, and because the car was snow-covered from the recent storm coming through, it's a good bet that he had been in that car that entire time.

That poor baby enduring 48+ hours of sub-zero cold temps, no food, and being scared out of his mind breaks my heart 💔


rooftopfilth t1_j1roajm wrote

A gentle and kind exchange on the internet!? Where are we? It’s ok, I wasn’t clear in my initial comment, and I’m here for people defending moms! You have good intentions!