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Macqt t1_j262kzx wrote

The sentence for second degree murder in Canada is 25 years, bud.


CW1DR5H5I64A t1_j26dv3d wrote

For a juvenile?


random20190826 t1_j26yul0 wrote

10 years for a juvenile.


Genericgeriatric t1_j2emod4 wrote

If time in custody awaiting trial is counted against the sentence, then assuming good behavior, they'll be released to a halfway house after serving 1/3 of their sentence. So, maybe only 3 years served behind bars for a 10-year sentence.


Prophet_of_Entropy t1_j291760 wrote

thats a maximum sentence, courts will likely give them much much less. you can murder someone and get out in a couple years in canada. do it with a car and you probably wont even go to prison.


Macqt t1_j292142 wrote

Murder, both degrees, carry mandatory sentences in Canada, not maximums. Adults convicted are sentenced to life, which means 25 years before parole can be considered.

Manslaughter has a maximum of life, but is usually much less.