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ChocoboRocket t1_j25svwa wrote

>I'd be very surprised to hear any of them get more than 5 years for this considering this is Canada

Don't know why you are being downvoted. Canada has terrible policy on crime, particularly repeat offenders.

Anything shy of murder is effectively a slap on the wrist. Or you can just run people over in your vehicle (somehow helps if you're drunk) and it's a moving violation instead of a crime.

Sexual assault, even on minors results in little if any incarceration.

Welcome to Canada, where everyone but the victims are treated as Saudi royalty by the justice system!


1dererLives t1_j25wj0u wrote

>Welcome to Canada, where everyone but the victims are treated as Saudi royalty by the justice system!

What an incredibly bad faith comment.


ChocoboRocket t1_j2aitxr wrote

>>Welcome to Canada, where everyone but the victims are treated as Saudi royalty by the justice system! > >What an incredibly bad faith comment.

What of it? Is hyperbole forbidden?


myrddyna t1_j2cwet5 wrote

Nope. But, I feel betrayed. You've gone and sent all the chocobos to Mars.

I trusted you, Elon! My chocobos!



ishitfrommymouth t1_j276t58 wrote

Horribly biased bad faith comment but it’s still upvotes by Reddit lol. They’d rather the American method of sentencing someone to 147 years in prison for weed.


Canadian_Pacer t1_j29pjpp wrote

You know whats strange? I work at a Federal Medium Penitentiary in Canada. I see countless inmates daily. Some of these guys are labelled as DO (dangerous offenders). These inmates are jailed indefinitely until the parole board releaeses them, if ever. Some of the D.O.'s in my humble opinion aren't worthy of such extreme justice. Yet, some other crazy, dangerous pieces of dogshit offenders are not labelled as D.O.'s even though they should be. The whole classification of inmates and the punishments aren't consistent and seem quite random.