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TimeForHugs t1_ivxzdoe wrote

While this is a wonderful win, it's sad that it's 2022 and people are still having to fight for equal rights, women's rights, voter rights, etc. Really stupid that there are so many people that want to turn back the clock on progression because they don't agree with things that mostly have nothing to do with them.


hpark21 t1_ivy15il wrote

Where have you been in last 6 years? That is basically the premise of "Make America Great Again" campaign.

Ask ANY MAGA people WHEN was America GREAT and they all basically point to the 40-50 (maybe 60's?) during Jim Crow era pretty much.


TimeForHugs t1_ivy2qwj wrote

What did I say to make you think I am unaware of the MAGA movement? All I said is that it's sad and stupid that people still have to fight for this stuff in this day and age.


page_one t1_ivy2s7g wrote

I found this in the article:

> Nevada’s ERA amends the state Constitution to ensure equal rights for all, “regardless of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, ancestry, or national origin.”


ThyNynax t1_ivyah9c wrote

Human nature and the pursuit of power means that there will never be an end to the fight for equal rights. “The people have the freedom to choose their life and laws” democracy and “I have all the answers, just give me the power to fix things” fascism is a pendulum society will always be fighting between.

At least until AI takes over and it’s all handled by a super intelligence.


TeleRock t1_ivyr40e wrote

Housing Discrimination. Workplace Protections. Spousal Medical Rights. Harassment Protections.

Literally everything that white, straight, birth gendered people take for granted every day of our lives.


justforthearticles20 t1_ivyutrj wrote

At the same time that they probably elected an Insurrectionist Trumper as a US Senator.


1x54f t1_ivyv56s wrote

They don't have to fight for their right to party anymore?


COMPUTER1313 t1_ivyxny8 wrote

Back in high school (many years before MAGA took off), I knew someone that posted on Facebook about how they considered 1910-1920 to be the best time for the US in terms of society.

I asked them about the Chinese Exclusion Act in that FB thread, just to see if they were willing to die on that hill.

He stirred up quite a bit of high school drama when he told me that I was not welcomed in the US (which also implicitly included my siblings). Bear in mind that I was born in the US a couple years after my parents fled from China in the aftermath of the Tienanmen Square Massacre.

Then he caused more drama when he had a messy breakup with his girlfriend (something about her disagreeing with his stance of not wanting women to vote) and picked a fight with her large group of friends.

Also bear in mind that this high school was +95% white which he made himself an outcast of. Of the ~600 students, there was only one African American, one Hispanic, and the only Asians were me and my siblings.


Valid_Voice t1_ivz1w0d wrote

Blame Cortez for being bad at campaigning she didn't do enough, and that she's anti debt forgiveness made me upset when I found out, I voted for her still did but felt betrayed. We still won't kno until tomorrow hope she pulls through.


ElmoRidesMetra t1_ivz2syd wrote

Excellent. Now car insurance companies can't charge different rates based on gender!


ImWorthMore t1_ivz3vbo wrote

I was under the impression she felt that debt forgiveness wasn't enough and called it out for the half baked effort it was. Either way, you're right about the campaigning part.


Big_Mac22 t1_ivz4lg1 wrote

Please don't perpetuate that it's human nature to want to dominate other people. It's not some pendulum of good vs evil because that's just how humans are.

Society began when we started co-operating together. That is our nature.


Traditional-Meat-549 t1_ivz6icd wrote

Seems to me that SOME people cooperate and others strive to dominate. I don't see, looking back at history, that the worst in human nature has been curbed much with the exception of those places that hold them accountable to codified laws. Prove me wrong.

Society began when we agreed upon rules. We had to agree on rules because we needed to curb bad behavior.


Big_Mac22 t1_ivz7pis wrote

I never denied that rules or laws are necessary. My point is that making it seem like it's just part of human nature to want to rob people of their rights in order to gain power only legitimises it.

That shit is learned behaviour. It doesn't help anyone to pretend it's just how some people always would have been, all that does is justify their position as natural.


Fomentor t1_ivzdj4i wrote

How can you look in the mirror if you’re against equal rights? Only bigots and fascists could oppose this!


Traditional-Meat-549 t1_ivze41y wrote

do you have children?

I ask this because I watched the evolution of this stuff in the interactions with my own kids - the eldest routinely sought to dominate his younger siblings. I submit to you that its behavior that comes naturally to SOME people in SOME circumstances, and unless it is halted and retrained, becomes a way of life. Kids are not naturally "good" or "bad", but they are little scientists who will experiment with behavior until they achieve a desired outcome. Hence, boundaries.


RebTilian t1_ivzeqbu wrote

its mostly that like 95% of people just want to do what they want to do, not be bothered doing it, and be comfortable in their day to day lives.

for the other 5%, that means, they either facilitate comfortableness or stand directly in the way, due to their particular want being of a greater importance.

100% Empathy is not an intrinsic trait through and through, it is at least half way learned.


ArenSteele t1_ivzf8z8 wrote

It is human nature to want and need, then to seek to acquire. The method chosen to seek and acquire can vary from “do it alone” to “ask for help” to “force that person to help”

The cooperation/domination dynamic is just the reaction to the nature of wanting (safety, power, comfort, wealth etc)


x273 t1_ivzi562 wrote

Yes I believe in the end, cooperation is the solution to survival. I attribute religion as fueling this human condition to dominate, and not as a natural trait in us. Also why religion has no place in politics. It makes us forget we are the same species and pits us against each other.


ThyNynax t1_ivzipo1 wrote

As others have noted, “human nature” applies to an aggregate of all people in this context. It does not mean that each individual carries a will to dominate.

Fact is, though, psychopathy as a neurological condition does exist. Narcissistic Personality Disorder as a psychological condition does exist. Combined with all manner of forms of cognitive dissonance and willful blindness, there are people that very much have the will to dominate, the ability to find followers to help them, and the lack of empathy to care who gets crushed along the way. Not even including extreme mental disorders, though, there is still love, hate, fear, desire, jealousy….as long as emotions exist there will be cause for chaos among human civilizations and those that seek to take advantage for personal gain, to protect their families at the expense of others, or simply to act out of spite (which often comes from ideas of fairness).

Also, “human nature” as a term is not meant to associate a moral good or a moral evil. It is simply the biological “nature” part that makes up the behavior of Homo sapiens. What makes humans unique to other animals is our ability to cognitively recognize that nature, understand it, and choose to act differently. When that choice is made is influenced by lots of things, unique to each person, and is another battle that must always be fought (think of the person that wants to stay loyal to a spouse but has the opportunity for hot sex right now).


MustLoveAllCats t1_ivzsh29 wrote

I don't understand this comment at all. Why would someone not be able to look in the mirror if they're against, say, protections against age discrimination? I'm quite certain the people you dislike don't have any problem with their appearance or 'looking themselves in the mirror'.


sweetpeapickle t1_ivzt3la wrote

Unfortunately there are some who are BORN that way. Yes, some evil is born. Just like you will have some who are born to be good in every way. It's the rest of us who end up learning one way or the other.


MustLoveAllCats t1_ivztsg2 wrote

No, we don't, and that's stupid. Caucasian history is incredibly diverse and varied, and would be absolutely ridiculous to lump together in the same way that Black history month is able to do so. That's not to say that all black people are the same or that black culture lacks diversity, both are not true at all, but Black history in American has been defined by a few specific events that dramatically affected practically all black people in America, and in particular, singled them out, not affecting other groups in the same way. These are largely events of oppression, and while some other groups like Native Americans have relatable pasts, Caucasians in America largely do not.

Also of note:

> Susan Glisson, who as the executive director of the William Winter Institute for Racial Reconciliation in Oxford, Miss., regularly witnesses Southerners sorting through their racial vocabulary, said she rarely hears “Caucasian.” “Most of the folks who work in this field know that it’s a completely ridiculous term to assign to whites,” she said. “I think it’s a term of last resort for people who are really uncomfortable talking about race. They use the term that’s going to make them be as distant from it as possible.”


Fomentor t1_iw00iga wrote

My comment is a way of saying that people who don’t support equal rights should be ashamed of themselves. It uses an idiom that is common in American English. It does not mean that they are externally ugly or are compelled by some spell that prevents them from physically looking in the mirror.


natur_al t1_iw05s6q wrote

So true. Look at all reputable sources (Jon Ralston and Nevada Independent reporters) and they say the votes are there for Cortez Masto to overtake Laxalt once counting is finished. But I’m not surprised when the top comment on a thread about MTG is “she’s awful, how did she win again????”


Willsmithsdignity t1_iw0ywoa wrote

And a guaranteed minimum wage jump and ranked choice.

Nevada kicked ass. Home means we look out for ea h other.


Jeremyg93 t1_iw1fzno wrote

I think it’s probably this:

> …it's sad that it's 2022 and people are still having to fight for equal rights, women's rights, voter rights, etc. Really stupid that there are so many people that want to turn back the clock on progression…

Your framing here suggests a few things that are questionable.

You kind of suggest that there is something natural, almost preordained, about social ‘progression,’ when in reality, there is no point where these things are somehow immune to being destroyed by hate, corruption, and selfishness. Humanity will always be in a struggle to prevent these things. There is not some end-point to history.

Even in a world where we finally have absolute equality and prosperity for all, you still need the vigilance to maintain a just world and prevent retraction. Human culture is always mailable, for better as well as worse. In this way, there is nothing special about the year 2022.


g0d15anath315t t1_iw1rizx wrote

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance"

The arrow doesn't keep going forward unless there are people that fight for and preserve that progress.

Always someone out there ready to take us back to the stone age.


TimeForHugs t1_iw1ruc0 wrote

You aren't wrong with what you said but that still has absolutely nothing to do with the idea that I am unaware of MAGA.

Edit: It also doesn't make it any less stupid that people have to fight for these rights.


NightmareStatus t1_iw2w1bb wrote

"Anti-abortion activists worry that the amendment could be used by supporters of abortions rights to eliminate abortions restrictions on the grounds that they discriminate against women."

uhhh, no SHIT! BECAUSE THEY DO. It's upsetting to know we still have to have this argument in 2022


Jeremyg93 t1_iw4sjbl wrote

Well one, you didn’t just say that it’s stupid that people have to fight for their rights. You said its stupid people still have to fight for rights in 2022.

I think it’s also arguable that there is no situation where it’s stupid to fight for your rights, even when you already have them comfortably. There is danger in assuming there is an after-we’re done phase to this. In reality it could just as well be an unending struggle.

And also there is no arbitrary time table for these things to happen. We should expect to fight these things our entire lives. Any expectations otherwise are not reasonable.


TimeForHugs t1_iw6hzcx wrote

>I think it’s also arguable that there is no situation where it’s stupid to fight for your rights

You can't be serious. I never said it's stupid TO fight for rights, I said it's stupid people HAVE to. Is reading so hard?

And this still has nothing to do with the idea I'm unaware of MAGA. You keep arguing your point even when I said you aren't wrong. It makes no sense. Everything you said is fine but you keep trying to use it to answer the "unaware of MAGA" question when it has absolutely nothing to do with it. If you had just said your piece without trying to connect those two things then we wouldn't be having this dumb conversation and everything would be fine.


Blackfire01001 t1_iw8izo0 wrote

It wasn't the win they want people to think it is. They already had this on the book federally. Abortion is already protected.

We'll see the aftermath of the vague wording soon.