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Vtfla t1_iy59cyt wrote

Charged with misdemeanors….for tossing around someone with a broken neck, while mocking him. Misdemeanors


8ell0 t1_iy5tj0g wrote

Jfc, a Misdemeanor?!?!?

For paralyzing a person?!

There are teens/young adults in jail and with bigger charges for having an ounce of weed


mces97 t1_iy60bcp wrote

Well hopefully the feds investigate this for civil rights violations.


DontUSuck t1_iy7vz66 wrote

Probably some paid vacation time as well.


hunkyboy75 t1_iy8bhb8 wrote

Confirmed. They’ve been on “paid administrative leave” since June.

If I fuck somebody up really bad, can I get a 5-month paid vacation?


DontUSuck t1_iy8fgaq wrote

Not too many jobs offer those kind of perks.


Xpector8ing t1_iy96qn0 wrote

Outside of the “justice” business (its adjudicators,solicitors and their minions)? NO!


hunkyboy75 t1_iy8ybzd wrote

Mostly government jobs. You fuck up that bad anywhere else and you’re fired now, not tomorrow, not next week, not next year, NOW. Get your shit and GTFO.


8ell0 t1_iy85rnw wrote

Ugh, I woke up and read this and your right. This just ruined my day.

To think the system gives them that while colored people shit bricks if they forgot to put on their blinker at a stop sign and get pulled over for that.


czechmaze t1_iy9plif wrote

All five officers appear to be Black or Hispanic so the system is "giving" colored people that also.


Xpector8ing t1_iy95m3x wrote

Definitely helped satiate, assuage their libidos during whatever kind of sex they did afterwards!


HoldThePhoneFrank t1_iy6xenq wrote

meanwhile, people get felony assault charges because they tried to stop a cop beating them with a flashlight


outerproduct t1_iy748dx wrote

Following ride in police van my ass. Yeah, I sometimes break my neck in a ride with Uber, on what planet? These police fellating headlines need to go.


Plantsandanger t1_iy7g2n9 wrote

Jesus Christ, I seriously thought it was an update on the Freddie gray case - just realized it’s ANOTHER black man tossed around a police van with a broken neck while society’s supposed protectors laugh and ignore the permanent damage and/or death they are causing a defenseless person


Vulturedoors t1_iy7miaq wrote

It's happened more than twice, in fact. Which isn't surprising since they put handcuffed people in the back of a metal van without a seatbelt.


ChopChop007 t1_iy95qd9 wrote

Nickel Rides. I learned a name for this in history class, cops have been doing this for a long time.


canzicrans t1_iy8kpnw wrote

I thought the same thing, and the police are still arguing that they have qualified immunity! Go America, where qualified immunity trumps all rights!


Im_100percent_human t1_iy7c6kr wrote

>Cox's family filed a federal lawsuit against the city of New Haven and the five officers.... Four of the officers filed motions last week claiming qualified immunity from the lawsuit, arguing that their actions in the case did not violate any "clearly established" legal standard.

While this does seem like a gross undercharge, it may shut down the officers' motion.


mces97 t1_iy6l91o wrote

I don't know what's worse, not charging them, or charging them with misdemeanors, which means less than 1 year in jail. And they're likely not to even get that.


kandoras t1_iy8gcqd wrote

Misdemeanors might not even be enough ro force them to get a new job with the next department down the road.


sunibla33 t1_iy94b9v wrote

And still working, I believe. They'll be a bunch of high-fives at the station house after the judge lets them off with a warning not to be caught again doing something like this.


Chrisbert t1_iy515y4 wrote

Didn't this happen a few years ago? They're just now getting around to prosecuting the cops for the "rough ride"?


Grostleton t1_iy51sjj wrote

I think this is a more recent incident as the article references one from 2015:

>The case has drawn outrage from civil rights advocates like the NAACP, along with comparisons to the Freddie Gray case in Baltimore. Gray, who was also Black, died in 2015 after he suffered a spinal injury while handcuffed and shackled in a city police van


Necessary_Common4426 t1_iy5c9rm wrote

And 4 of the 5 cops invoked ‘qualified immunity’ meaning the city will pick up the tab & these cops will be able to walk free and retain employment


redhead29 t1_iy5e4pn wrote

we own this city is where they actually managed to get justice wayne jenkins is doing a 30 year bid and wont be out until 2047


dabisnit t1_iy6yai0 wrote

Maybe, the cops who murdered people on Danziger bridge in New Orleans during Katrina were sentenced for a long time (first 40+ years for most of them) then had their sentence reduced to 10 years for some with time served.


PuellaBona t1_iy75qi9 wrote

I had no idea that this happened.

How did they end up getting a retrial? It's like saying, "ok, the people don't like you killing innocents trying to survive after a disaster. If we give you another chance, choose the 10 year plea deal. K?"

So infuriating.


thetacticalpanda t1_iy5l9z5 wrote

I'll always remember this quote from Gray's attorney Billy Murphy: "Running while black is not a crime," Murphy said. "Being afraid of police and running from them in retrospect is a great idea. He just didn't run fast enough."


maldio t1_iy5882c wrote

It's pretty much as sad that it's a matter of which case, instead of being overdue.


OrderlyPanic t1_iy7ilsk wrote

Going from memory but I'm pretty sure Freddie was not shackled/buckled in. Which was intentional from the arresting officers to hurt him and the reason he died.


Cyynric t1_iy5dyrg wrote

Yeah, it was something. I live north of Baltimore and was working close to where the riots were happening. We were set to see DragonForce live but the venue closed that night. It was weird seeing the streets empty of anything save for National Guard dudes.


Chippopotanuse t1_iy55epf wrote

Yes, and the cops faced zero consequences IIRC on the Freddie Gray case.

Although the city taxpayers coughed up something like $5m.

Weird how that works.

We will see if this attempted murder by the police gets handled any differently.


Kent_Knifen t1_iy52q85 wrote

Nope, different cases.

This article's recap links to their original story covering what happened, dated June 29, 2022.

So, this happened a few days before that probably.


Cluefuljewel t1_iy5drg2 wrote

Anybody get the feeling they slammed on brakes because they wanted him to slam into the wall?!?! Maybe they didn’t mean for him to die but it was probably deliberate. Because cops you know need to know how to drive.


Douglaston_prop t1_iy5wm7j wrote

I learned the term "rough ride" from what the Baltimore PD did to Freddie Grey. It's when you cuff somebody in the back and don't strap them in, all cops know this is illegal.


SnooPineapples5749 t1_iy67xah wrote

IIRC learning about this incident. The cop driving was observed playing with his cell, driving aggressively, road raging, etc. Everything is on cameras in the police van, body cams and jail cams. Its why they hate the cameras.


ReturnOfSeq t1_iy6qx0u wrote

The Baltimore police had a little bit of a learning curve when it came to body cams. The prerecord buffer caught them planting evidence a few times


OrderlyPanic t1_iy7idyh wrote

Baltimore cops did this to Freddie Gray. Handcuffed him in the back, intentionally didn't buckle him up and drove a circuitous route to the station and doubtlessly drove needlessly agressive. Freddie died in the back of the van as a result of their cruelty and sadism.

All officers involved got off, the one or two pigs who went to trial were shamefully qcquitted. Meanwhile the BPD went on a wildcat work stoppage and let crime run rampant to show their displeasure at even the idea they could be held accountable for police brutality.


Cluefuljewel t1_iy86m5i wrote

Money is a big motivator right? It seems like a cop with a story of systemic abuse would have published a book by now. Granted they would be totally fucked as far as being a cop but for a big payday? Well I guess they might have to implicate themselves in the process. Any thoughts?!


Dzotshen t1_iy5qc8r wrote

Oh they show you how they drive, alright. Like children with keys to an unsupervised ATV in the middle of the night


trizzo0309 t1_iy5hnl5 wrote

TLDR for those unaware (CT resident/reporter here): The guy was tossed in the back of a police van (legitimate reason) but was left completely unsecured in the back. The van then had to slam on the breaks to avoid hitting another vehicle (IIRC) and he was tossed and slammed into the wall.

He's now paralyzed, suing the state, police vans are now out of commission and a TON of reforms have hit local PDs as the state looks pretty damn bad right now.


EvilerRay t1_iy62vk9 wrote

Don't forget the part when they arrived at the station, they didn't believe he was injured so dragged him out of the van.


puffic t1_iy7aelf wrote

Is there any corroborating evidence, such as dash cam footage, that the van driver actually had to slam the breaks? Very worrying case.


ZincLloyd t1_iy5ytq2 wrote

~ Tonight's the night that we got the truck We're going downtown, gonna beat up drunks Your turn to drive, I'll bring the beer It's an easy shift, no one to fear…~


Jim3001 t1_iy5eddb wrote

Why didn't they use the seatbelts? You can see them in the vid. I can understand the guy, he's handcuffed. But the cops should have strapped him in.


Its_Nitsua t1_iy5gjjh wrote

They don’t care.

I was too tall to sit in the back of a policecar, so they just threw me in sideways with my hands behind my back.

All for a bag of marijuana stems, weighing .02 grams.


bannana t1_iy6dzjb wrote

> They don’t care.

possibly or it was 100% intentional with the purpose to injure the occupant while driving erratically.


Jim3001 t1_iy5hc8r wrote

I wonder how many people got injured like this.


Rs90 t1_iy5ku2j wrote

"You can beat the rap but you can't beat the ride"

A lot


funkychicken23 t1_iy65u6e wrote

Genuinely curious, what were you planning to do with a bag of stems?


Its_Nitsua t1_iy6bu36 wrote

Nothing, was just leftover after smoking and forgot it was in my truck.


baseball-is-praxis t1_iy6wykt wrote

because this is the intent! they hurt people like this on purpose. to show you they have all the power, and they can come kill you if they feel like it. they can destroy your life on a whim, and you're powerless.

it's a demonstration of violence and terror, because their purpose is to subjugate the lower classes and their communities. that has always been the purpose of policing.


Jerrymoviefan3 t1_iy6l8d2 wrote

Police rough rides of blacks to internationally injure them are a fairly frequent occurrence in some cities.


kandoras t1_iy822d1 wrote

They don't use seatbelts because it's hard to have people ricochet around if they're buckled in.


JeepNaked t1_iy67s7s wrote

Cops are the enemy of the people.


Jeepercreeper9191 t1_iy72rhy wrote

>The five New Haven police officers were charged with second-degree reckless endangerment and cruelty to persons.

That's it?


Blackie47 t1_iy9fejh wrote

Paid vacation and the charges for some bullshit reason won't stick.


abevigodasmells t1_iy6t3cx wrote

$100M lawsuit is ridiculous. The poor guy deserves $500M for the inhumane treatment those sociopathic cops gave him.


MarcSneyyyyyyyd t1_iy8cane wrote

And the cops deserve to go bankrupt paying for it personally


killerbanshee t1_iyat1m8 wrote

Needs to start coming out of the pension fund. You want to police yourselves? Then do it or watch your collective retirements disappear, fucking pigs.


SuperJewish t1_iy67fc2 wrote

It’s how Freddy Gray died. I’ve heard it referred to as a “rough ride”.


Splatacular t1_iy723vf wrote

Interesting the weapons charges were dropped, so he's paralyzed for funzies.


kandoras t1_iy81sor wrote

>Randy Cox, 36, was being driven to a New Haven police station June 19 for processing on a weapons charge when the driver braked hard, apparently to avoid a collision,

According to the cops, who apparently did not have a dashcam on that vehicle and so the only evidence of that potential collision is a camera the driver was apparently wearing on his dick since the only thing it sees is the steering wheel.

And then a half dozen cops take a guy with neck injuries and throw him all over the place, insuring that if wasn't completely fucked before, he was now.


ReturnOfSeq t1_iy6qrct wrote

Ah yes, the Freddy Gray story


hunkyboy75 t1_iy8b10f wrote

“administrative leave” Paid vacation?

Edit: “paid administrative leave” since June. Fucking animals.


senpaimitsuji t1_iy7nlh4 wrote

Unfortunately I have seen the footage of this poor man’s being thrown around and dragged like he’s not completely paralyzed and it’s absolutely horrific. New Haven police are trash for the most part and this is just another brutality incident that will go likely unpunished. I’m shocked they’ve even been charged, don’t see it sticking.


gurr-gussy t1_iy7udmw wrote

Anyone know how long passed between Mr Cox being slammed up to the point Medics finally took him to a hospital?


anastrianna t1_iy8de3i wrote

Officer Oscar Diaz, Officer Ronald Pressley, Officer Jocelyn Lavandier, Officer Luis Rivera and Sgt. Betsy Segui. In case anyone didn't feel like reading the article.


[deleted] t1_iy7xafw wrote

Just more reasons I never feel bad cops hey targeted. Not every cap is a piece of shut, but the good ones either don’t stand out against it or get canned for doing so.


lameth t1_iy86iol wrote

Brings a much darker meaning to the phrase they use:

"You can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride."


dastrn t1_iyb4w1o wrote

The people who hate the cops the most are right about what kind of people they are.

Usually it's their own families that hate them the most.


Sherbert_Correct t1_iy6dpk6 wrote

They just had a big whoop te doo about those pigs killed in Bristol, Ct, they had pigs from all over attend that shit
