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FreedomPaws t1_iwbfh1n wrote

Are penalties not enough for drunk drivers or what? They literally are out doing this daily and can kill anyone and yet this keeps happening. No one is being deterred with whatever system they have going on for drunk drivers.

Pathetic all of yall that drink and drive. As if we haven't heard this one million times and a 5 yr old could tell u not to.


2ByteTheDecker t1_iwbn0wq wrote

You could make DUI a capital crime and it wouldn't stop 100%

That's just the shitty way humans collectively are.


FourFurryCats t1_iwd5w3y wrote

It's not a capital crime in Canada but it is the equivalent of what would be a Felony crime in the US. Versus, the misdemeanor status in some jurisdictions.


FreedomPaws t1_iwbo64y wrote

Oh yeah u can't stop anything from disappearing but what I am saying is I see zero improvement and deterrence happening. We are no better off than a year ago, 5 yrs ago, 10 yrs ago etc. And also despite more education and spreading awareness to not do this and contempt for those that do. Just mind boggling.

And I tell u what, during my college yrs sure I was pretty dumb - not with this but just drinking in general. Once out of college, f drinking. I just find it more pathetic when adults are piss ass drunks and absolutely know better and are like this. They want to live their adulthood being drunks, then do it without almost killing people daily.

Society should be improving, in general. To see this issue just remain a flat line is getting old.


LeafsWinBeforeIDie t1_iwc0xrf wrote

How much would it cost to make breath machines part of every car? You could have an emergency bypass to get to a hospital or something, but a light could come on the car so police can follow and help you and know you are operating drunk. The technology exists, and if it was on every car I couldn't see it adding more than $10 to the price.

The world would be a much better place if we took the option of driving off the table if one is drunk, especially since some humans aren't human enough to simply not drive drunk. This includes the people driving after a 3 drink dinner or a 2 martini Friday afternoon lunch. Those drivers can go to hell too.


friedAmobo t1_iwd3wue wrote

The NTSB recommended alcohol impairment detection systems be included in new vehicles a few months ago. Presumably, those systems would prohibit engine startup or something along those lines if they detect alcohol. I remember the news of this recommendation making some waves due to potential privacy concerns and manufacturer lockout from a device that the person owned, but the general concept is interesting at least and would save lives if there was an ethical (in the sense of ownership), non-intrusive way to implement such systems.


rabidstoat t1_iwdvfxx wrote

I bet the companies that sell those devices that people convicted of DUIs have to use would be against this. Those companies charge an obscene monthly fee for the devices.