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Different-General-23 t1_ivoq10z wrote

I think the reasoning is that it would increase conflicts with the police because people would be more afraid that they would get shot on sight. i.e. if the cops are going to shoot me on sight then I may as well take a few shots at them first in self-defence.


ackillesBAC t1_ivq6qfl wrote

I agree that's the logic the courts are using. But not the reasoning of the police. ~~Do the police think people are that stupid? ~~ well yes they do trust a "news" outlet that had a disclaimer stating its "for entertainment purposes only"

The police employ people that are easily offended and under educated, teach them to be afraid of everything then give them guns, power and immunity


A1sauc3d t1_ivrsyil wrote

Yeah, that’s their reasoning. It’s just BS. Moral of the story, don’t fuck with the police, no matter how innocuous it may seem. Do, however, vote for candidates interested in limiting their power. Because the police get away with far too much. And whether or not they like you and how much money you have seem to be the largest contributors towards whether you see the inside of a cell. Our justice system is broken, you gotta pay-to-win, and being poor or a minority is an offense in and of itself. Sorry, got way side tracked there lol. Just hard not to vent about it when the topic of police comes up.