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possumallawishes t1_iwq32oh wrote

I’m caught up on a semantic issue? Murfreesboro is 25 miles from nashville, when talking about a national headline, it seems pretty fucking standard to call that nashville, but homeboy wants to correct me that it was murfreesboro, and guess what? Every news article I can find says he’s from Nashville.

Why don’t you google “Murfreesboro suburb” and see. It’s commonly referred to as the largest nashville suburb. I’m sorry if you and sauerkraut want to believe that Murfreesboro is it’s own thing with national prominence, the fact is, it isn’t. It’s a suburb, pretty plain and simply. You can certainly believe whatever you want, and you can assume it’s long history or “it’s own economy” make it its own thing, but you’re just wrong and being kinda hard headed. And it’s really irrelelvent to the conversation. I’m not the one diverting the conversation towards semantics, that’s you and sauerkraut, it should have been painfully obvious who I was talking about. Just google “Eric nashville zip tie guy”, it’s not like specifying Murfreesboro adds any specificity that is necessary to distinguish this guy.

But I’m self righteous? You’re over here defending the honor of a town from being called a suburb. That’s just weird.