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davidreiss666 t1_iwohil1 wrote

You're 100% correct.

A lot more of these people need to be in prison for life. 23 hours in their prison cell, and one hour for exercise while alone. No air conditioning, no television, no computers, very few visitors, etc. But their white, so they basically are all being allowed to plead to lesser charges.

These people are scum. I have more trust for Mexican cartel criminals than these terrorists. But they are all getting handled with kid gloves.


Smodphan t1_iwokktu wrote

I disagree. These people need to be openly mocked by the public, so they should have as many digital visitors as they want. Maybe like a zoo cam or something.


screamtrumpet t1_iwpgbaa wrote

How about 23 hours of exercise and 1 hour solitary confinement for sleep? We could build a nice outdoor prison in Death Valley with lots of black and/or reflective surfaces.
