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lordenki40 t1_ixu1mkg wrote

Nope, I'll have nothing to do with misrepresented values and obvious price fixing when they all go into it together.


NextTrillion t1_ixuac2c wrote

I found some of the best deals I’ve seen in 5 years easily. Lots of good stuff out there. Companies need to clear it out. Possibly they’re significantly overstocked?

Still, no way I’d be so cynical after seeing the deals I got.


P4_Brotagonist t1_iy3p8gx wrote

Lots of companies aren't "clearing out" anything anymore. Heck many companies actually mass produce inferior versions of their current products to sell just on black Friday


-Fastway- t1_ixu6tww wrote

So I take it you make your own food, clothing and appliances?


pegothejerk t1_ixu9il1 wrote

What are you talking about, that’s what kids are for


GWS2004 t1_ixurlj5 wrote

The point is to not buy "just to buy".


-Fastway- t1_ixut80d wrote

Some people buy because they believe it's the cheapest time of the year to buy. Others buy to resell throughout the year to make a profit.
