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kradaan t1_iun0muv wrote

I disagree, I think this is a concerted effort. I think Qanon was an open door and made mainstream by the Trump administration who gave it legitimacy. It's why you see reference of it in so many places. From The trucker protest in Canada to flag waving in France and Germany. They don't even see how they are being played. In the US you have everyone from Laura Ingam, Tucker Carlson and Fox news to MGT, Lauren Boebert and the hard right spewing Russian propaganda. Might as well be registered foreign agents like Larry Flynn and DeSantis's spokesperson.


Rage_Like_Nic_Cage t1_iun3b9g wrote

again, the propaganda isn’t coming from russia, they merely amplify it. Qanon is a perfect example, it washing created/started my russia, but they definitely helped spread it.