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[deleted] t1_iulqikz wrote



tetoffens t1_iulta2j wrote

These two are in every sense more successful than the independents. The hell you on about small less successful companies eating them for lunch? They wouldn't be so small or independent if they were doing better than them.


0U8124X t1_ium3bmt wrote

One Word: Amazon. Biggest small independent publisher in the World. Book Publishers are like newspapers. Dying breed. Just a matter of time. Let these two merge and they can die on the vine together


SsurebreC t1_ium8gi1 wrote

> No one reads books anymore anyway so who cares.

Please don't mistake yourself with everyone else.

People continue to read books and, if anything, book readership has slightly gone up during the pandemic since other entertainment options have become unavailable.

What HAS changed is that more people are reading digital books than printed ones and more people are listening to audio books. This speaks volumes that people desire books in general but want that portability and accessibility. Penguin House and other publishers moved into that sphere as well and provide that service.

That said, I don't think they should merge. Anytime you have mega corporations merging, it's usually bad for the customer.


usrevenge t1_ium00gh wrote

Pretty sure they do audiobooks as well.

Every new star wars book starts with penguin random house audio.