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NPVT t1_irwjilb wrote

Of course it had to be a fossil fuel heater as electric heaters have no such danger.

Edit: sorry fossil fuel lovers. The above statement is true.


Provia100F t1_irwvhle wrote

Fossil fuel heaters are substantially cheaper to operate than electric heaters.


KitchenNazi t1_iryqm8s wrote

That's kind of the bottom line, isn't it? At some point we have to all bite the bullet and pay more. Either a generation will have higher utility bills or a more fucked up planet. Can't keep kicking the can down the road waiting for prices to drop.

"Corporations are evil and polluting the environment! We need clean renewables! We're running out of time!"

"Are you willing to pay for clean energy, today? It's 50% more."

"Fuck no"


Provia100F t1_iryqsx9 wrote

> At some point we have to all bite the bullet and pay more.

What a fucking entitled position to have.


KitchenNazi t1_iryr8pd wrote

You put your money where your mouth is essentially.


Provia100F t1_iryw8d6 wrote

I can't believe jerks like you are still around these days. In a world where the majority of families can barely afford rent, food, and transportation to work; you up and demand that they pay more out of their pocket for power.

You say you support the working class and yet literally everything you do hurts them.


KitchenNazi t1_irz9nwm wrote

Your kids won't have a planet that functions if people don't sacrifice. Everyone did what was easy for them all these decades - now we have to pay the price.

Cry all you want it's going to get worse for our kids and grandkids. And you're whining about what prices you're paying today.


NPVT t1_irxvuof wrote

Not true everywhere and certainly not true into the future. Heat pumps are pretty efficient.


>Using heat pump currently almost 40% cheaper than natural gas heating
