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sjfiuauqadfj t1_itil76y wrote

theres actually a sub on here dedicated to people who think like that. the psych term for this type of idiocy is gang stalking if you want to dive into that rabbit hole of mental health issues


themoogleknight t1_itiyrj6 wrote

I started reading that sub and others similar a few years ago and started to feel like *I* was going crazy after awhile..


ExplorerWestern7319 t1_itkx7ns wrote

What sub is that. When i was a child i latched onto this idea that everyone was out to get me. I couldn't let on that i knes because then everyone would know that i knew. This started around 5 years old and by about 10 it had faded away. I wouldn't mind reading other people's stories.


sjfiuauqadfj t1_itsccpo wrote

oh its not stories its literally just people who believe what you believed but they are adults and some of them own guns. /r/gangstalking is the sub