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CRoseCrizzle t1_irqj939 wrote

He will be 63, having gone to prison at 27 and in being there for 36 years. But he targeted vulnerable teenage girls back then, so I suspect he still might be a danger to the community. Really hope that no new victims are caused by his release.


Badtrainwreck t1_irr5f8j wrote

Hard to say since the justice system isn’t really built to make people better


[deleted] t1_irriaiz wrote



[deleted] t1_irril1d wrote



[deleted] t1_irrirdx wrote



Badtrainwreck t1_irrktqg wrote

If we improve the “worst” of us, then we improve all of us. I say worst in quotes because not all criminals are the worst of us and not all of us are “better” than them.


[deleted] t1_irrqows wrote



[deleted] t1_irrs625 wrote



[deleted] t1_irrsb13 wrote



sephstorm t1_irs34wz wrote

Personally I'd like to see rape be a capital crime. Minimum of life in prison.


Cannibal_Hector t1_irsi8an wrote

That’s a good way to turn more rapes into murders.


Boobabycluebaby t1_irsxn2h wrote

Nah. There's plenty of non-murder crimes that give people life. Drug dealing, robbing banks, Bernie Madoff's pyramid. Tons of crime revolving around money and such. People don't go- oh well they'll surely murder if they get life. Sometimes you got to let the sentence match the justice for the crime and not be scared about it escalating. Shit already escalates all the time with rape/murders.


FunnySpace16 t1_irvy3t2 wrote

Why so many people want such little time for the second most heinous act behind murder. Rape is a torture of the mind and sense of self worth that lasts a lifetime and can cause people all sorts of traumas. Rapists definitely deserve life behind bars.


A_Flamboyant_Warlock t1_is2nd3i wrote

>Why so many people want such little time for the second most heinous act behind murder.

Because dead rape victims can't come forward. If rape is punished as severely, or moreso, than murder, no rapist would ever let their victims live. Your vengeance boner isn't worth more than human lives.


sephstorm t1_irsmk1u wrote

Possibly. I'd have to see the data to support it. But the truth is while it won't prevent people from taking action typically, it will insure that those people can assault fewer victims over a lifetime, and that more of the rape case DNA tests get more priority I think.


T0WERM0NKEY t1_irzxi41 wrote

Yeah everyone says this but I don't buy it. Show me the data


pheisenberg t1_irtovbv wrote

Yeah, I don’t see the logic in ever releasing such a person from prison.


didsomebodysaymyname t1_irtp2qg wrote

It's hard to know how many men are rapists, but given that about a 1/3 of women are raped and a smaller, but significant portion of men are raped, 5-10% of men (who are much more common than femal rapists) wouldn't be crazy.

We currently have about 0.7% of the population incarcerated (including kids), most for something besides rape. So incarcerating or executing all rapists would theoretically remove 3-5% of the adult population or 4-7 Million people.

I'm not trying to argue against punishment, I just think it's crazy we have a serious crime that if fully prosecuted would incarcerate, or in your case execute, a mid size state.


sakuragi59357 t1_irs91sa wrote

Guy looks he's in his late 30s/40s. What's to stop him from saying he's someone else and raping again?

Criminals gonna criminal.


GWS2004 t1_irx8oez wrote

Here is the US the safety of women is bottom of the barrel for concerns. They've shown this time and time again.