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McCree114 t1_iuf40eo wrote

If they're so confident that their ideology is right then this shouldn't be necessary, right? You'd only resort to this if you're sure your ideas are unpopular and you're being paid to protect the interest of a small wealthy minority that seek to keep the people from having a democratic say in their country, right?


UNOvven t1_iufdmxz wrote

Fascism is home to a lot of doublethink like that. The enemy is both strong and weak.


skyfishgoo t1_iufxgdi wrote

fascism also eats itself alive, eventually.

unfortunately, innocents suffer in the meantime.


StateChemist t1_iug3rc4 wrote

Unfortunately it’s seeds keep cropping up in other places like the most horrible weed.


skyfishgoo t1_iugebop wrote

that's what happens when the masses are pushed beyond the breaking point... they break for radical change and elect strongmen to carry out their will

but they never do... they always seem to get caught up in the trappings of power.


jschubart t1_iuh8ayn wrote

Not quickly enough. Francisco Franco ruled Spain for way too fucking long.


torpedoguy t1_iufat56 wrote

They're confident their ideology is right, but they're not so stupid as to think "let's utterly fuck up most of the nation for our benefit" is going to be popular.

  • They're also not so stupid as to think "we're eliminating democracy because I AM YOUR GOD! KNEEL BEFORE YOUR EMPEROR!" would allow them to live for long.

When deceit is no longer enough for democracy to serve conservatism, conservatives swiftly put an end to it; they just also happen to know its safer to pretend it's still a thing and accuse everybody else of being 'the real threat' against it.


Tiabb t1_iufd5ze wrote

It's also a win win for Bolsonaro. If he wins he'll say this isn't a problem and will prevent any investigation into it. If he loses he'll blame this and launch a massive investigation and either do an outright coup or second election.


winksoutloud t1_iugghr2 wrote

Why does that sound familiar? Thinks in American


Ameisen t1_iuiq9dc wrote

Well, he said there was massive voter fraud even after he'd won.


calumin t1_iufykim wrote

This behavior is part of the ideology in which they’re so confident.


HDC3 t1_iuhfx83 wrote

The GOP and their supporters are doing the same thing in the US. Fascists are all playing from the same playbook.


64557175 t1_iuh5i0r wrote

I'm not sure why I'm sharing this here especially as this comment is 11hrs old, but:

I think what is essentially going on is a battle between the limbic system and neocortex in humans as a species. It is a battle over which is used as the main circuit for decision making. It has been the limbic system for so long and is now kind of cornered at an end game. It's going to get ugly.


pedrosorio t1_iuhk042 wrote

Regardless of the specifics in this election, I would just like to point out that, in principle, right is not synonymous with popular. One of the issues with democracy.


Ok_Vacation3128 t1_iuiy2vj wrote

You could be confident that the people will vote against their own wishes. That they know what they want and will vote for someone who sounds credible but will not deliver.

I’m not justifying it, it’s obviously wrong. But god damn look the world over - we vote in these clowns - so maybe we shouldn’t be trusted to decide what’s right.


AlabamaHotcakes t1_iueyhs0 wrote

Police oppressing the working class to the benefit of their capitalist overlords?

I'm whatever the opposite of shocked is.


Iain_MS t1_iugm3cl wrote

There aren’t really a bunch of good antonyms for shocked.

“Unsurprised” is probably the most apt.


wg1987 t1_iuezkaf wrote

Conservative wet dream


[deleted] t1_iuf8asf wrote



sellout217 t1_iuf9f6o wrote

Your profile is a cesspool of conspiracy theories and violent threats. You don't even have the balls to say "Fuck Joe Biden", you just constantly use the cowards slogan of "Let's Go Brandon". You're the type of person that tries to act all tough on the internet but is a complete push over in real life. $10 say you try and prove me wrong by respond "Fuck Joe Biden" because your so unintelligent that it is easy to predict what you will do. There isn't any forethought, it is all reactionary.


tcmart14 t1_iug6y4g wrote

Hate these types. They say “let’s go brandon” like they so bad. Nipsey, RIP, had the balls to make a track and literally say “Fuck Donald Trump.”


CovidCid t1_iufbdgo wrote

Link a single violent threat or conspiracy theory.

And the phrase "let's go brandon" is trying to inject some humor into the fact the biden is absolutely fucking our country over.


mf-TOM-HANK t1_iufbx6a wrote

>And the phrase "let's go brandon" is trying to inject some humor into the fact the biden is absolutely fucking our country over.

Link a single source of Biden fucking over the country 🤡


sellout217 t1_iufcrri wrote

>Link a single violent threat or conspiracy theory.

Why bother posting a link to this specific post. Seems like a waste of everyone's time.


CovidCid t1_iufd6sr wrote


Not once have I said anything even close. You just automatically assume someone with a different opinion than yours is a domestic terrorist or something.

One of the biggest problems in this country is political tribalism and dehumanizing the other side. This applies to both parties, but especially the democrats.


sellout217 t1_iufdn95 wrote

You posted a conspiracy theory in your post saying you don't post conspiracy theories. You need to gain some self awareness.


CovidCid t1_iuffsx7 wrote

Conspiracy theory

-Hypothetical speculation that is untrue or outlandish.

Nothing I said is untrue. It may be outlandish to those who never looked, perhaps.

On 4 November 2020 at 05:26:48 – within a few minutes - around 300,000 votes were expunged from the voting record and all of sudden the lead was flipped from Trump to Biden. Why would 300,000 votes suddenly be removed from system? Under what circumstances should this happen? Why is this not being investigated? Virginia seems to be another state that fell victim to this election fraud.

The Dominion Voting Software which is used in 25% of the states received US$ 400 million from China through a company called (UBS securities) that appears to be a Swiss company but is in fact 75% controlled by the Chinese Communist Party. UBS is the only investment bank with a license to operate in China and it was through this company that China funded the Dominion Software. If you search UBS securities + Dominion Voting Software nothing will come up on Google.

Wisconisin counted 143,000 votes in a single minute. The voting machine and the people counting in a station cannot physically process 143,000+ votes in one minute; and besides why would sudden a surge in the number of votes all come in all at the same time even if spread across the whole state? Trump was clearly leading and then suddenly the addition of a spike of votes flipped Biden to lead.


Additionally, it seems a little strange that the populace would vote out a man who drove an amazing economy, lowered crime rates, lowered taxes, and made peace with many hostile foreign nations and replace him with a buffoon who can barely speak.


sellout217 t1_iufiysp wrote

...........your lack self awareness is astounding.


CovidCid t1_iufj1nq wrote

Your lack of a counterpoint isn't


sellout217 t1_iufkl2r wrote

I don't need a counter point. Your posts prove all of my claims without me needing to do anything.


GaiusJuliusPleaser t1_iufl32h wrote

Funny how none of this evidence ever made it to a court, eh? Dozens of times, when pressed to present all the supposed evidence of election fraud, GOP crybabies came up empty-handed.


candyowenstaint t1_iuhuu4a wrote

That evidence must have been submitted to the court system right? Or is the evidence just a feeling? Like the feeling I have that this evidence doesn’t exist because there is none


Art-Zuron t1_iuf8zi5 wrote

Well, they literally did in the US. That's what most of the few cases of voter fraud for the two elections have been. Republicans voting for dead people and themselves. In other words, voting twice, and once for dead people.

GOP and all

Gaslight. Obstruct. Project.


DavidMalony t1_iuevjun wrote

#FakeNews! They're just "election integrity officers" with semiautos


RocinanteCoffee t1_iufjxa4 wrote

They tried to suppress the vote and it backfired horribly. May the vote suppressors be held accountable.

Lula has won the vote, despite people trying to stop his voters.


mr_mikey11 t1_iuf98de wrote

Not familiar with brazil's demographics however i assume the northwest region is where all the darker people live?


HereInTheCut t1_iuf6xz0 wrote

It's the oldest and most reliable tool in the conservative toolbox. Why have any ideas for improving the lives of others when you can simply subvert democracy instead? Fucking thugs.


woodrax t1_iufn6s9 wrote

Thankfully, they failed, and Lula da Silva won.


skyfishgoo t1_iufy3on wrote

is this true, has bolsowhatever conceded the race?


mjkjr84 t1_iugewlc wrote

He's cut from the same cloth as trump but he has more balls so consider him more dangerous and unpredictable, he's an egomaniac, he'd never concede


skyfishgoo t1_iuggix1 wrote

welp, the world is rejoicing his loss so he's got a steep hill to climb

i hope he takes the hint and just slinks away (or gets arrested).


TheMotorcycleBoy t1_iuf1kze wrote

Elections everywhere are shady as shit.

What really stops us (these days) just attaching polling chits to passports / bank accounts / Social Security accounts (?) - or enabling a system of online registration with a unique ID?

It's almost as if they want to make it tricky for young / poor / educated and mobile people to vote.🤔


notcaffeinefree t1_iufejrc wrote

By far the easiest to implement would be to make the day a national holiday and to allow everyone to vote by mail, no questions asked.

There's a reason voting by mail has been targeted so heavily the past few years, even though a number of states have been doing it for over a decade.


skyfishgoo t1_iufyc8y wrote

what usually stops this sort of idea is the fact that a secret ballot is key to an open democracy.

if you can be held personally responsible for your vote, then that information WILL be used against you at some point.


BadBunnyYonaguni t1_iuf3gpl wrote

If you thought election fraud is bad now, imagine how horrific it would be if it was connected to the internet. There’s a reason why online elections are usually stereotyped as being very easily spoofed.


TheMotorcycleBoy t1_iuf4l2c wrote

Yeah. Because there aren't billions of completely secure banking transactions going through effortlessly every day?

Almost all fraud is the consequence of poor user practice / weak passwords / personal security failings etc.

Don't buy into those lies, dude. If online voting was insecure we wouldn't have online banking and online commerce.

It's just a line sold to get the older (more Conservative) people to agree to restrict voting access to mobile / time-poor / poor (more left-leaning) voters.

(And no, voter fraud is not bad now and never has been more than a small percentage of total votes cast.)


PaxDramaticus t1_iugo3j6 wrote

With ebanking, you want your name attached to every transaction you make. The whole point of voting is to detach your name from who you voted for.

Systems that are anonymous, easy to access, and hard to cheat in are quite difficult design challenges. Framing the fact that they haven't been implemented on a wide scale as a conspiracy doesn't make those design challenges easier.


Fine_Fault_8232 t1_iufam23 wrote

But with ebanking there are many checkpoints. you can see who sent money, who received it, time and date, the amount. With evoting you would only have the preferred candidate, which would make it harder to verify the authenticity of the ballot.


TheMotorcycleBoy t1_iufbygr wrote

What? That’s not how it works. That’s not how any of it works.

All those transmitted variables you cited are (pretty obviously) present in both types of transactions. (Apart from the ‘preferred candidate’ thing - but you could substitute ‘value’ for that couldn’t you? Same deal.)


Jeraimee t1_iuf4mu4 wrote

I'd vote for President McPresidentface.


EdofBorg t1_iugncyb wrote

Could just as easily be Texas or Florida or Kentucky


YetiGuy t1_iugrbv3 wrote

Do they also scream of voters fraud?


ChewieThe13 t1_iuguz9c wrote

They lost and some are currently screaming, that's why we are dancing


statslady23 t1_iuf8b55 wrote

Used to be you were required to vote in Brazil. Has that changed?


RocinanteCoffee t1_iufm25c wrote

No it hasn't changed. You still have to vote/can vote null if you don't want to vote.

They are trying to not only suppress the vote but then have people pay the fine for not voting.


skyfishgoo t1_iufynas wrote

the electoral equivalent of punching someone in the face with their own arm.


CritaCorn t1_iufu5n9 wrote

Sounds like our police in the US, tons of the attacked their own while storming the Capitol


justforthearticles20 t1_iuips4c wrote

Well, Bolsonaro knows at least one armed group that will support his Coup.