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dzastrus t1_itu3jxp wrote

It's the Anthropocene Extinction and it spreads the whole world wide. It caught snowcrabs, krill and penguins and they died, died, died.


Mythosaurus t1_itugcbd wrote

Happy Feet 2 was wasted as a typical Disney story, when it could have focused on global warming.


TuvixWillNotBeMissed t1_itugxig wrote

People hate royalty. That's why monarch butterflies are in decline as well.


xSciFix t1_itva04f wrote

Damn. That's one of my favorites.

At this point I hate climate deniers and consider them a threat to life on earth.


vengeful_toaster t1_itvpde2 wrote

Can we stop blaming climate and start blaming humans? 🙄


cutebabies0626 t1_itvq7o5 wrote

Well how are you gonna get around without cars in US unless there’s public infrastructure?🫠 In the city it’s livable without cars but suburbs you honestly can’t live without cars. And electric vehicles are quite expensive to obtain.


11fingerfreak t1_itvx8dm wrote

I wonder how much longer before humans are an endangered species? If we were, would we say so openly?


kelovitro t1_itw7vyj wrote

Morbo is pleased, but sticky.


loveispenguins t1_itwp0td wrote

The saddest part with the snow crabs is how many people focused on how difficult it’s going to be to buy crab legs.

At least with penguins people aren’t saying “that sucks those things were delicious.”


Ace9905 t1_itwttzi wrote

Damn, really got me there. It’s okay to admit you don’t know stuff though, every day’s a learning opportunity after all. You see, rabies isn’t just a magical thing that sends those infected into a murderous rage. Unfortunately, Hollywood isn’t that great at representing pathogens so I get where you’re coming from. On the other hand, seems like you’re happy with ignorance so under topics you’re not great with, we can file viral symptoms right beside comebacks cause frankly, yours is a bit lacking.


2s3lf4war3 t1_itwxxk1 wrote

guys the world isn't black and white.

you can be self-loathing, fat redditors in your basement if you want to, that doesn't make your blanket statement that the entire species sucks and is destroying everything factual or correct. doesn't make any of your pathetic downvotes matter a whit either.

like seriously - the young generation downvoting me? y'all self-loathing shit, woe is me bullshit needs to fucking go away. nobody has it perfect, grow the fuck up and stop acting like everyone and everything is bad when things get tough

fucking bunch of wimps. but keep acting like i'm wrong for defending the species you yourself are a part of.


Owain451 t1_itx1073 wrote

God... this really sucks. We might eventually find a way to reverse/manage the fallout that our species has caused, but I will never forgive us for taking away polar bears and Emperor penguins.

Protesting in super markets isn't going to work. People aren't going to trust or listen to anything that is present behind a screen by a person doing something frivolous or disruptive.

We need to educate people on why things need to change and ways that change can come about in a reasonable matter.

People don't like change, they need to understand their life doesn't have to be upended to start helping the planet. It's about steps we all can take to do something. Eventually maybe we can all take the step of holding our governments accountable as well. But it all takes time and these creatures don't have that time, so I fear they will perish before any meaningful change will come.


Ayzmo t1_itx3noa wrote

At the rate we're destroying the environment, unlikely. Unless something major changes, we're kinda fucked. Global seafood stocks are down across the board and 70% of seafood species are on the brink of crashing due to overfishing.


Jeahn2 t1_itx4c4l wrote

>Global seafood stocks are down across the board and 70% of seafood species are on the brink of crashing due to overfishing.

We're not going to die off just because of that.


flossingjonah t1_itx7w2p wrote

Emperor penguins have been around for 60 million years, while the ice has been around 20 million years. While climate change is bad, I believe that ocean pollution is a massive threat too; oil spills are hurting the mighty birds. I don't think climate change is the main cause of our planet's demise. Humans are attacking nature from all fronts.


Ayzmo t1_itx80a1 wrote

You're correct. But fish species collapsing will impact the entire world's ecosystems. So many depend on the ocean and on fish. Not to mention fish is the primary form of protein for 20-30% of the world's population.


Ace9905 t1_itxpwtq wrote

Ooh, the personal insults now? Now I’m quite invested. Probably the best use of either of our time? Absolutely not, but I just find it adorable how mad you’re getting over this!

By the way, I do recommend reading into rabies vaccines! Real nifty little thing they’ve whipped up! Just a few jabs to the bite site and voila, bye bye rabies! Granted, you do need to begin the regiment as soon as possible, but it’s quite simple to prevent it from killing should the medicine exist! Honestly, it’s like most pathogens really, just provide the right treatment in the right time frame and poof, problem gone! Isn’t modern medicine neat?