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Intrepid_Advice4411 t1_it8njmb wrote

Every single uniformed person that was at that building that day is a coward and should never work in law enforcement again. I'm a fat middle aged white woman and if someone was shooting up my child's classroom you bet your ass I'm running in there and doing my best to tackle that shooter. They had weapons and body armor. Fuck all of them.


LurksAroundHere t1_it8tjyg wrote

They were too busy literally subduing the parents trying to do that. I still can't believe a woman had to sneak past the police to get into the building to save her own children. Pretty fucking telling that the police weren't doing their jobs in both saving the kids OR keeping the building secure from a possible second shooter considering a parent got past them. They're failures in every single aspect of the word.

Add in the fact that some of the police got their own children out of there before standing around outside like useless little fucking gremlins drinking water bottles and checking Twitter for hours adds even more salt to the wound.