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zz_ t1_it6mxc4 wrote

Yep, chain of command is not an excuse here. His judgment was off, but so was the judgment of everyone who followed the order.


Artanthos t1_it7ejsn wrote

From the article

>He told agents no one responded to or followed his order, the sources said.


>A DPS sergeant added in his memo: “As this was clearly against established training, we both decided to enter the building where the shooter was located.”

The order in question was issued minutes before the shooter was killed. Nobody listened.


PlankOfWoood t1_it7h2r6 wrote

“Puts fingers in ears” Lalalalala I can’t hear you! Lalalalala!


EarthlyMartian-21 t1_it79weo wrote

Their job >> dying children


Edit: A more accurate statement might even be

Keeping their job >> Doing their job