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diamened t1_it5i4ev wrote

So they're looking for a scapegoat eh? This is wrong. The entire police force should be blamed


goodDayM t1_it6wjs0 wrote

Yep and the Nytimes agrees with you:

> The school police chief was singled out for blame, but a Times visual investigation found that scores of trained officers, including those from an elite Border Patrol unit, took many of the same steps. > > … Visual evidence from the scene, while limited, indicates the problem was not simply one incompetent school police chief, or officers who knew better, but failed to take action. The available footage shows high-ranking officers, experienced state troopers, police academy instructors — even federal SWAT specialists — came to the same conclusions and were detoured by the same delays the school police chief has been condemned for causing.


oh_really_man t1_it7km96 wrote

Elite Border Patrol unit heh?


TroubleshootenSOB t1_it7zjls wrote

Yeah what the fuck is that?


ArrrGaming t1_itarmun wrote

Same type of paramilitary unit that Trump sent to Portland in 2020. Remember? The rented minivans, and snatching US citizens off the street? That was them - maybe not personally, but the same organization. I'm glad they finally engaged the murderer in Uvalde, but I remain very disappointed in my Federal government, something I never used to be and hope to feel better about someday. :(


Sirlancemehlot t1_it9jc38 wrote

Visual evidence. In other words: we saw lots of people not shooting at the suspect. What a load of shit. It was absolutely the fault of the Police Chief. He's supposed to have all the intel and has the rank to deploy as he sees fit. If he tells the police/border patrol/ SWAT/ that they shouldn't engage...they assume there's a reason. That's how rank works. In the end, it was a border patrol agent who had enough of being held back and stormed the school, getting shot in the head for his troubles...against the chief's orders.


goodDayM t1_it9sfmb wrote

From the article I recommend you read:

> ... Footage shows BORTAC, the Border Patrol’s elite tactical agents, took charge about halfway into the response, and learned right away that children were trapped inside with the gunman. But it took 37 minutes of planning, testing keys and readying equipment before BORTAC breached the classrooms.j > > ... Multiple media outlets and a Texas House investigative committee have cast blame beyond Mr. Arredondo. In September, D.P.S. itself acknowledged revising its protocol for active shooter incidents and said seven employees were under review by the inspector general.


Sirlancemehlot t1_itdscwr wrote

It took 37 minutes from plan to prep to execution. That's not a lot of time at all considering it was no longer an "active shooter" but a "barricaded suspect" situation. A barricaded suspect can use hostages as shields, or bargaining chips by threatening to kill a number of them. Breaching a barricaded suspect is not the same as going in and taking down a gunman strolling the halls. Fact is, that's what they should have done long before the suspect barricaded himself with hostages. And its what Arredondo refused to order.


zz_ t1_it6mxc4 wrote

Yep, chain of command is not an excuse here. His judgment was off, but so was the judgment of everyone who followed the order.


Artanthos t1_it7ejsn wrote

From the article

>He told agents no one responded to or followed his order, the sources said.


>A DPS sergeant added in his memo: “As this was clearly against established training, we both decided to enter the building where the shooter was located.”

The order in question was issued minutes before the shooter was killed. Nobody listened.


PlankOfWoood t1_it7h2r6 wrote

“Puts fingers in ears” Lalalalala I can’t hear you! Lalalalala!


EarthlyMartian-21 t1_it79weo wrote

Their job >> dying children


Edit: A more accurate statement might even be

Keeping their job >> Doing their job


thisismynewacct t1_it6wpxz wrote

Police forces. NYTimes had a good write up and timeline recently where pretty much every group that showed up did something wrong or waited around. Local cops, state cops, Border Patrol. All fucked up.


Intrepid_Advice4411 t1_it8njmb wrote

Every single uniformed person that was at that building that day is a coward and should never work in law enforcement again. I'm a fat middle aged white woman and if someone was shooting up my child's classroom you bet your ass I'm running in there and doing my best to tackle that shooter. They had weapons and body armor. Fuck all of them.


LurksAroundHere t1_it8tjyg wrote

They were too busy literally subduing the parents trying to do that. I still can't believe a woman had to sneak past the police to get into the building to save her own children. Pretty fucking telling that the police weren't doing their jobs in both saving the kids OR keeping the building secure from a possible second shooter considering a parent got past them. They're failures in every single aspect of the word.

Add in the fact that some of the police got their own children out of there before standing around outside like useless little fucking gremlins drinking water bottles and checking Twitter for hours adds even more salt to the wound.