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jpm0724 t1_iu6c4f4 wrote

You’re analogy doesn’t make sense because it compares figurative gallons of water to literal life. It’s the absolute biggest problem, the mental gymnastic it takes to try to point at one thing and call it bad and disregard real life. Real life is, you’re willing to disregard the countless times and ways firearms have helped save lives, wether by existing, or actually being utilized. And that it’s okay to lose those lives in the future, in order to make you feel better today. Your patching a hole thought works better in this regard.

The best part is, people love to point to other countries, and say oh look! They have assault weapons bans, they have hand gun bans, complete fire arm bans, etc. they are not the MOST smuggled country in the world, they are not one of the epicenters of gang violence. They do not have one of the worst prison system and some of the highest recidivism rates. You wanna talk about bandaging the 10 gallon per day problem? Pointing at an inanimate object in one of the most mentally unhinged, corrupt countries on the planet and saying we need to ban it, is that.