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BigbySamMelody t1_iu60bwm wrote

I hate to break it to you, but the courts have ruled it's not the police's job to protect you. They have zero obligation to, even if they see someone trying to stab you to death


awtcurtis t1_iu69mix wrote

So why should we praise them again? Seems like they are pretty worthless.


RKFTWRN t1_iub8zip wrote

How do you propose they stop something like this. There isn't a cop assigned to follow around every single person 24/7. The cops caught the two guys that did it, seems to be working as intended.

Maybe the motherfuckers shooting each other can stop shooting each other?


awtcurtis t1_iubawzg wrote

Hmmm, maybe we could try any number of solutions that the rest of the civilized world has used to curb gun violence?