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Draker-X t1_iu5vk2a wrote

>An area has high crime. High crime leads to a large police presence. A large police presence in a black neighborhood means racism.

How did you jump from "high crime area" to "black neighborhood"?


XxcOoPeR93xX t1_iu5yqws wrote

People asking to defund the police aren't in gated communities in Maine.

The majority of calls for defunding the police were in minority communities in Baltimore, Chicago, and Minneapolis. Largely over already racial accusations.


SohndesRheins t1_iu7ivbv wrote

Um, statistics? Whether you want to ascribe a racial or socioeconomic reason, predominantly black neighborhoods tend to have higher crime rates and denying that is silly. Not to say that no white areas can be high crime, but when you look at a macro scale that is what you see.