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XxcOoPeR93xX t1_iu5o5ra wrote

Yea and even though machine guns are illegal, that means it should be sooooo hard to get a glock switch..............

Guns will always be smuggled in, my friend. Unless they're being smuggled to you, they're being smuggled to someone without your best interest in mind. We have the means to legally fight fire with fire. "Equality of opportunity" some would call it.

Before I continue, are you even an American?


ricky_baker t1_iu5r6oh wrote

It’s completely irrelevant whether they are American or not.


[deleted] t1_iu60n34 wrote



ricky_baker t1_iu61fge wrote

You don’t need to have rights in a foreign country to have an opinion of their society. Especially so if you live in one where daily mass shootings don’t happen.


XxcOoPeR93xX t1_iu5rxdl wrote

Until you go to a gun store, do a 4473, and walk out with a gun, you are not aware of how the process even works. Also until you understand American city culture, kids with glocks at elementary school graduation, etc. So yes it matters if you're an American.

That's like me walking into a nuclear plant and telling the Director of Operations that he's doing something wrong. Who cares if I'm aware of the process, my opinion is just as valid, right?


ricky_baker t1_iu5trf1 wrote

Your experience filling out a sheet of paper isn’t necessary for a valid opinion. False equivalency.

It’s a sham process when it can be circumvented so easily anyway.


XxcOoPeR93xX t1_iu5x0c0 wrote

Lol I don't think you want to use that as a reference buddy.

Dude failed his background check. This failure should've triggered an investigation by the ATF. It should've triggered an investigation by the FBI. The mother and family was aware of mental illness. The mother had police oversee the transfer of the firearm to another party. Yet he still got his hands on it.

This isn't an example of needing more fun laws this is actually a perfect example of gun laws not working. And restricting guns even more will, again, not work. Criminals will find a way.

When we have no resources for the mentally ill, when we have incompetent federal agencies more concerned with disarming Americans than stopping mass shooters.

I agree that we have a problem. But I don't think it's the one you think it is.


ZakalwesChair t1_iu60nn5 wrote

It would be hard to find if the second amendment didn’t exist and Gun manufacturers weren’t able to flood the American market with guns.