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BandwagonFanAccount t1_iu6u4l1 wrote

Like I said. Just another way for the gvt to take a fat slice of what people already paid for and continued to pay taxes on all their lives.


procrasstinating t1_iu76pc3 wrote

And my take is that many of those people have not paid taxes on those gains. So Peter Theil valued his private company at $2000 and put the shares in an IRA. 20 years later the stock is worth $5billion and sheltered from taxes. He would never pay tax on any of that gain, except for under an estate tax.


fourfourzero t1_iu9rxwl wrote

lol take economics AND civics classes my dude. it will make you a lot less angry with your life.


BandwagonFanAccount t1_iu9u9em wrote

I enjoy my life but thank you for you for your concern. I apologize for being able to see how greedy, wasteful, and corrupt the government is.