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homo_balcanicus t1_iueb3yp wrote

Isis are salafists, while Iran is Shia, and salafists consider all Shia to be heretics/apostates that must all be exterminated


COMPUTER1313 t1_iuebugv wrote

There's a reason they were at war with almost every other Islamist groups during mid 2010's, while also simultaneously at war with multiple countries.


mcs_987654321 t1_iuf9zc0 wrote

I always think of salafism as the “biblical literalist/creationist” stream of the “Protestant” Sunnis vs the “Catholic/orthodox” Shias - and god knows that the catholics and protties have been fucking with each others’ places of worship for centuries.

(Alternately - the haredi faction of orthodox vs reform judaism, which didn’t work out great for Rabin…either way it’s a gross oversimplification, but helps me keep the factional tensions in Islam more or less straight).