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-FeistyRabbitSauce- t1_itw00qg wrote

Summer of 2021 in BC Canada we had the heatdome. It broke numerous records. Forest fires everywhere. One town, Lyton, reached 50°C before something sparked a fire and the town was pretty much wiped off the map.

Summer of 2022, we had the hottest, driest summer on average ever recorded. Temperatures didn't sky rocket like in 2021, but trey stayed up longer than usual. We only had our first real rainfall the other day. It was warm through until mid October. Like, shorts weather. Normally once September rolls around it rains pretty consistently.

And that doesn't even touch on the smog/smoke we keep dealing with or the floods that wiped out our highways.


adreamofhodor t1_itw0ja0 wrote

It’s been horrible just a little bit south, near Seattle. Same issues.


krustykrab2193 t1_itwed6i wrote

Just to add a bit more - after the historic heat dome in 2021 we had historic flooding a couple of months later that washed out all the highways and flooded several cities/towns cutting Vancouver and the Lower Mainland off from the rest of the country.