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code_archeologist t1_itwqpya wrote

The problem is not with Biden it is with OSHA and NTSB regulatory capture. This problem has less to do with the proposal not being labor friendly enough, and a lot more to do with management not taking safety seriously.


Argikeraunos t1_itxqewg wrote

Biden appointed the board that drafted the terms that were presented in the tentative agreement. It seems they were totally out of touch with what membership wanted.


lucash7 t1_itwt28g wrote

Care to expand on the last bit?


code_archeologist t1_itwtlci wrote

The union that started the strike threat their primary complaint was with being understaffed and over worked creating safety concerns.


lasdlt t1_itwxxs6 wrote

Isn't it all just all covered by the FRA?


Dudebythepool t1_itxxwbu wrote

Have a regional office of the fra blocks away from the railyard see them at hooters for lunch once in a while.

They look the other way pretty much unless someone gets injured


Cythrosi t1_itxoxvx wrote

NTSB can't really do anything except issue reports and recommendations. The DC Metro ran railcars the NTSB told them to pull from service for 7 years after a major crash because they didn't want to reduce service and basically just told the NTSB "nah".