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RN4Veterans t1_it418i9 wrote

Yes, and a Capital Police officer shooting an unarmed woman. Guess you didn't see the hearings where the FBI was forced to admit the ones yelling and pushing the Capital Police were FBI agents...yawn... But no, you want to stay WOKE and not really examine the videos of those there.


JoshuaACNewman t1_it47j2u wrote

Link to a video with that hearing please.


JoshuaACNewman t1_it4xu7d wrote

> if anything, the records appear to show that the informant’s F.B.I. handler was slow to grasp the gravity of what was happening that day. And the records show that the informant traveled to Washington at his own volition, not at the request of the F.B.I.


> The dark mood started three weeks after the riot when it suddenly emerged that Enrique Tarrio, the group’s leader, had himself worked as an F.B.I. informant well before he joined the Proud Boys.

> Mr. Tarrio was not at the Capitol on Jan. 6, having been ordered by a local judge to stay away from Washington after his arrest days earlier on charges of illegally possessing ammunition magazines and burning a Black Lives Matter banner after a pro-Trump rally in December. He is currently serving a five-month sentence on the charges.

So. Is your argument that:

  1. The Proud Boys were not involved
  2. The Proud Boys are actually part of the FBI
  3. The FBI was actually behind the riot

Sound right?

Or is it a simpler explanation that the FBI was slow to react because of its general doofiness?


JoshuaACNewman t1_it47vlj wrote

Just saying things is not evidence. Links to all the things you’re saying — that are all public record — please.