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fetishfeature5000 t1_itxhltm wrote

As an American, if it wasn’t for the random Canadian quarter I get once in awhile, I’d not know that England held the deed.


Thanato26 t1_itxz05l wrote

They don't. Canada is completely independent of Great Britain. To Canada King Charles is the King of Canada, technically separate but equal to that of England.


nrrp t1_iu0dzxf wrote

They are basically in a personal union, a single monarch of a single dynasty holding multiple hereditary kingdom titles. So there's Crown of United Kingdom, Crown of Canada, Crown of Australia, Crown of New Zealand and all the others and a single person of a single house (Windsor, formerly Saxe-Coburg and Gotha) holds all of them in hereditary fashion.


nsdwight t1_itzzhb3 wrote

Do they swear oaths to the King? Indeed. Therefore they're not completely independent. Neither is the UK for that matter. Slaves to the old world system.


Badtrainwreck t1_iu06lhq wrote

Idk if the people arguing against this are pro monarchy and want to bury the connection in semantics as much as possible or are so anti monarchy, but pro status quo that they cannot fathom acknowledging the connection of the monarchy and Canada


Thanato26 t1_itzzpl6 wrote

Depends, members of thr Militsry, New citizens, etc sweath allegiance to the Monarch of Canada, who is Ling Charles thr Third, King of Canada.


TailRudder t1_itysdfh wrote

So.... Instead of referring to him as the king of England we can call him the King of Canada from now on?


[deleted] t1_itzvcyf wrote



nsdwight t1_iu00esl wrote

Great Britain is the island. Charles is king of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The untied kingdom.

So yes, he's very much the King of England.


[deleted] t1_iu1kb4k wrote



Thanato26 t1_iu1l9y7 wrote

He is still a Prince and is line for the thrown. If his father and brother die before the next heir is 18, Harry rules until thier 18th birthday but not as king.


randomnighmare t1_ity3ohc wrote

Canada claims that the British monarchy is the head of their government. So yeah, it's basically a part of the UK but with some kind of home rule.


Badtrainwreck t1_iu062qb wrote

It’s not a part of the UK it’s a part of the commonwealth which is run by the head of the commonwealth Charles. Idk people would couldn’t just say that rather than saying “no it isn’t”

It obviously is a part of the monarchy in that regard, which is reflected in their currency.


randomnighmare t1_iu09wep wrote

Your head of state (or ceremony head of state) is the same as the UK's monarchy. That implies it's part of the same country but you guys have home rule. Hell, you guys put the monarchy on your money and make people in Canada swear allegiance to the British Monarchy.


davidreiss666 t1_iu2pj5b wrote

Just for the record, the Head of the Commonwealth is the Head of the Commonwealth. All capital letters. As the official title of the Head of the Commonwealth is literally "Head of the Commonwealth". Not "Monarch of the United Kingdom" or any other country. The fact that the Head of the Commonwealth has always been the King or Queen of the UK is just an accident of titling now. The reason the title for the Head of the Commonwealth is such a weird thing is that several -- a majority of the Commonwealth nations even -- are not monarchies. Only 16 of the 56 Commonwealth realms are monarchies now a days. The majority of the Commonwealth realms are REPUBLICS.


Badtrainwreck t1_iu2zubm wrote

😂 come on dude, the guys a monarch and he is the head, it’s not like you guys accidentally keep selecting one of the people in the same bloodline.


davidreiss666 t1_iu52va1 wrote

There is some discussion in the Commonwealth on removing Charles at the next meeting of Commonwealth nations and instead appointing somebody else entirely. Somebody who has real live experience at diplomacy and who would make more sense as the Head of the Commonwealth. The majority of them, being Republics, literally don't give a shit about Bonnie Prince Charlie who accidentally became a King because mummy tripped and died.


Badtrainwreck t1_iu55zuv wrote

That’s exactly what should happen, no monarch should have any position of power including ceremonial ones. If they want to be a king let them be king of their own mind


jezra t1_itxdl3t wrote

Not every canadian wants to fellate the king of england


RtuDtu t1_itxe772 wrote

But every province has to agree in order for things to get started. I'm not saying that is impossible but it is unrealistic


Cypher1492 t1_itxltns wrote

There hasn't been a King of England since 1702.


Thanato26 t1_itxz571 wrote

But there is a King of Canada.


Cypher1492 t1_itxzxup wrote

Yep. He has a few other roles as well but being King of Canada is the best one since Canada is really big.


iMogwai t1_itxndsh wrote

You know the queen died, right?


Cypher1492 t1_itxo0eq wrote

Yes? What does that have to do with this? There hasn't been a "Queen of England" since 1707.


iMogwai t1_itxoema wrote

Technically the monarch of Great Britain is also the monarch of the countries in Great Britain.


Cypher1492 t1_itxp5of wrote

That is technically correct, which is the best kind of correct. It's still not the official title of the Canadian monarch, though.

I would be in favour of changing his title from "King of Canada" to "King of Kensington", but only if he changes his name to Larry and opens up a convenience store. ;)


krba201076 t1_itxpu8w wrote

good. the monarchy is outdated. no one is better than anyone else.


crankery t1_ityb6gs wrote

Ontarian here, sure, where do I vote?


Thirdborne t1_itykn28 wrote

British Columbia here. Hand me the ballot. Ready to become Canadian Columbia, as dumb as that name sounds, it's as lot less dumb than Having a King just because his mum was the Queen.


jackovthgreat t1_ityxxuk wrote

And said queen, in turn, was only queen because her I think dad (?) was king. And so on through many incestuous generations until you get to like a guy with a sword who scared people or some shit like that. Idk I'm not a historian, I just know it's all bullshit


QCTeamkill t1_iu01pgz wrote

Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.


avehydra t1_itxcyqp wrote

Quebec being difficult again.


AnarchyinGroland t1_itxyh5x wrote

Pretty sure the average canadian dont care about the king of UK.


Thanato26 t1_itxz35f wrote

His title is King of Canada.


AnarchyinGroland t1_ity002q wrote

He dont live in Canada so he can be King of Narnia nobody give a crap.

Never forget Brexit, UK have issues and want to be left alone. Country is a joke and the fact some long ancestors killed the local is not a fond memory.


Thanato26 t1_ity04b5 wrote

He could be the king of Narnia... but he is King of Canada.


dinoroo t1_ityrv1h wrote

Because it doesn’t effect them so this is extra steps from Quebec.


Igoos99 t1_itzeu53 wrote

Actually, they are refusing the “extra steps” but refusing to swear an oath to some random dude in an entirely different country.


dinoroo t1_itzhl26 wrote

They don’t even want to be part of Canada so that doesn’t mean much.


Kilvayne t1_itxl27m wrote

Separatist wants to separate; news at 10.


HockeyBalboa t1_itxmxmr wrote

Yes but this is not about that. This is about all of Canada cutting ties with the british monarchy.


Thanato26 t1_itxzc0r wrote

Which would be an extremely expensive and complicated constitutional rewriting if it went that far.


Thirdborne t1_ityky1t wrote

We suddenly have a new head of state, and we're all looking around like "Did you vote for this guy? Isn't it 2022?" It probably turns out that we all care too little to change it, but this monarchy system is bad and we could do better if we cared.


dinoroo t1_ityrxwf wrote

Is he really head of state though? He barely has control over England, let alone Canada. It’s all symbolic and not really worth the fight. Plus the Commonwealth has it’s benefits for work and travel.


HockeyBalboa t1_iu1i9qh wrote

What do you base the cost on? How much are we talking here?

Also, you know countries fight wars for sovereignty. This will way less expensive and complicated than that.


Thanato26 t1_iu1jlx4 wrote

Canada is a sovereign Nation, we go our sovereignty by fighting a war, the Great War. Statute of Westminster 1931 essentially made Canada, Australia, etc independent of thr United Kingdom.

The cost would come with reorganizing our electoral system. Legal challenges. Countless conferences between the provinces and territories, etc etc.

For the not really any gain, it's not really worth it.


SchrodingerCattz t1_itxue1n wrote

The Bloc is pretty irrelevant in Canadian Federal politics and fairly insignificant in Quebec politics currently.


Thanato26 t1_itxzith wrote

They mostly help create minority governments. Then they have a little power.


redmorph t1_itzyjt2 wrote

Where do I sign?

I hope there is a box to tick for returning all the wealth these leeches stole from the people over the generations.


TheSurgeonMan t1_itz5w9y wrote

Suddenly king Charles sees a bunch of suspicious people in wheelchairs...


Gadburn t1_iu19doc wrote

The man is the leader of the Bloq a federal party in Canada whose only interest is the province of Quebec.

He doesn't even want to be Prime Minister, all he wants to do is gain enough seats to ensure they get what they want.

If I were in Quebec I'd probably like him, but because I'm from the west coast I can't stand him.

The Bloq infuriates me. Quebec gets a federal party that only represents one area and can only be voted on there! It's ridiculous.


SupaKhaines t1_iu50tti wrote

There are significant costs to cut ties with the Monarchy and it's absolutely not worth pursuing in the circumstances. It may feel good and ideal to cut ties but it is extremely difficult legally and expensive for what amounts to feel-good administrative change.

Spend money on substantive changes like healthcare, housing, infrastructure, education, and environment.


nojan t1_itynu7g wrote

In other new, sky is blue. Is this surprising at all? ..... on a more serious note, Quebec & Monarchy are both the reasons Canada is not part of the United States.


penelopiecruise t1_ity0con wrote

What is it with the French and monarchs?


7billionpeepsalready t1_iu0vho4 wrote

On some real levels, the divine right of kings originated in France.

Jacques Bossuet used Scripture to justify royal authority without checks and balances, claiming that God has placed kings on their throne and it is the responsibility of the people to obey divinely appointed authorities without question. Rebellion against the king is rebellion against God.

So... not too chill to say everything this king dude says is law because god likes him more. The French (mostly the rich French) then grew a culture of nuh uh against the monarchy.

Just a fyi.


NPVT t1_itxrodw wrote

Yay for the Queen of Canada, Queen Romana Dildo!


Thanato26 t1_itxzgay wrote

Has she returned her stolen RV yet? Or is she trying g to get .ore of her cultists followers to arrest police for some reason?