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Freexscsa t1_isr7g6i wrote

Sviggum, a former Republican speaker of the Minnesota House, told the meeting he’d received a “couple of letters” from friends whose children chose not to go to Morris because they considered it “too diverse …. they just didn't feel comfortable there."

With no idea at all thats how minorities feel...All the time....


mymar101 t1_isrfe31 wrote

I would imagine if pressed we would find out that those "couple of letters" didn't exist.


wankerbot t1_issqhbi wrote

one was actually a phone call he said eventually


Bicosahedron t1_isrdkq7 wrote

As an ethnic minority I can confidently say I am not bothered by other ethnic groups, be they majority or other minority groups


autotelica t1_issgk66 wrote

What's wild is that white folk still make up the majority of the student body. I'm guessing they also make up the majority of the faculty and staff. If a white person is uncomfortable even when they are in the freakin' majority, then hell yes they should understand how some minorities feel on predominately white campuses. But they won't. Minorities need to "suck it up and deal", donchaknow. White people are lucky enough to not have to do that.


Prodigy195 t1_issikwc wrote

Why do you think a sizeable portion of GOP voters have said they believe Great Replacement Theory..

Somehow they have mentally justified being simultaneously afraid that white people becoming a minority will lead to worse treatment while also being ok with the current treatment of minorities.


Nordic4tKnight t1_isravf2 wrote

The real reason why U of M Morris (Minnesota) is experiencing declining enrollment is because it is in the middle of nowhere in northern Minnesota.


Procure t1_ist71br wrote

Why anyone would want to go, much less live and go to school in Morris, is beyond me.


My_Homework_Account t1_isr4wuf wrote

>Sviggum, a former Republican speaker of the Minnesota House

Shocking, I know


walkandtalkk t1_isrc760 wrote

I appreciate that he's marched past the "We just oppose affirmative action" talking point and straight to the "too many not-whites here" grievance. Almost better to have that kind of overt racism than the creepy, winky dog whistles you get from two-thirds of the Republican Party.

Someone should have asked Sviggum, "If I say 'yes,' what do you propose we do?" Let him sviggle.


DilbertHigh t1_isrealw wrote

Notice that his excuse is "just asking a question". The typical fall back for openly racist assertions.


Bzz22 t1_isrfuro wrote

Less white men going to college cuz his knuckle dragging buddies in the GOP have been shitting a over colleges the last decade as a menace to truth. The GOP thrives off under educated masses.


gunnergoz t1_isr88el wrote

Definition of White Elitist Entitlement.


StoneRivet t1_isr6cqv wrote

"There are too many motherfucking minorities in this motherfucking campus!"

  • Sviggum out there somewhere, probably

Bellsar_Ringing t1_issob7w wrote

Totally not racist or sexist, though. He meant some other kind of diversity, I guess.


md4606 t1_israstn wrote

He comes from a mostly-white town of about 1000 people. Not surprised by that comment


Yum_MrStallone t1_issss4a wrote

"So here's the plan for college, kids. Go to a place where you are totally comfortable. Pick classes that aren't going to stretch you and professors that are easy graders. Go have fun, do a little hazing, drink, sow some while oats, but and back unchanged. Come back with the same values we sent you with. Oh, and your degree in Business. Whatdayathink?"


muchaschicas t1_issd6i4 wrote

I'm sure PZ will have something to say about this.
