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Discoveryellow t1_itbv4r6 wrote

CNN site is such a dumpster fire, keeps reloading itself making reading impossible on mobile. Can someone share key points?


tricheboars t1_itcaev9 wrote

CNN does suck but try a different browser. If your on iPhone try something other than safari.


Discoveryellow t1_itcb9wn wrote

I'm using whatever the Reddit app does to open articles inside the app. This is the first time this is failing to work.


tricheboars t1_itcbkw4 wrote

Yeah these browsers inside Reddit apps are generally not very good for what it’s worth. Firefox and Chrome are much better at their jobs. I suggest for people to try Firefox


Discoveryellow t1_itcfm3j wrote

Just tried on Firefox for Android and ROFL it's doing the exact same thing, refreshing the page on its own.


tricheboars t1_itclyxk wrote

Odd doesn’t do that to me for Firefox but I’m on iOS


americanadiandrew t1_itd32f0 wrote

Nah if you’re on iPhone install a safari adblocker.


tricheboars t1_itd6spq wrote

Yeah I bought one but it worse than the free blockers on Firefox. Same for dark mode extensions


Anom8675309 t1_itc9xf7 wrote

Kids sick, the end is nigh


tacmac10 t1_itciii2 wrote

Scarcasism huh? Pediatric ICUs are already filling up and flu season is just starting.


RocinanteCoffee t1_itdmi79 wrote

Not to mention we are not over COVID yet and it's beginning to surge throughout the world again.


ActivityEquivalent69 t1_itdg4kh wrote reads like he's trying to out it as some kind of fanaticism but it's really just news and he's the chodaboy.


Anom8675309 t1_itcojgs wrote

What ever shall we do? I'll just sit over here and hyperventilate in the corner.


MrWeirdoFace t1_itcb3iq wrote

> the end is nigh

That's great to hear! So we can get back to living again?


Anom8675309 t1_itcc16u wrote

Your safety level/concern is dictated by your political affiliation.


MrWeirdoFace t1_itcn4v8 wrote

I'm very concerned, had four covid shots, living in isolation and haven't taken my mask off in public since it went on 2 years ago. I was playing off your comment about "the end is nigh" and imagining would it be like if all the chaos of the last few years was suddenly over and the relief it would bring, not suddenly giving up and pretending that things are, although I can understand why you might have thought otherwise, considering everything.


Anom8675309 t1_itcp9yz wrote

I'm not one to tell you if you should be concerned. Though I will ask you what has that concern really accomplished for you. I didn't say action, wearing masks and washing hands medically helps everyone, I said being 'concerned'. Relax man, you may die, I may die but there are about 8 billion people right now the human race isn't in any real danger. And even if it was, we could afford to lose some.
