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Alilatias t1_ir2fdn9 wrote

Definitely, there is nothing wrong with a faith-based life. It's when it crosses the line into being used as a bludgeon to justify taking away the rights of your fellow human beings that it basically transforms into something else entirely.

Religion seeks out power, perhaps as a means for the faith to survive. But we've seen that there's also a point where that same power can corrupt, and attract followers to the religion that aren't seeking the actual faith, but the influence it wields.

Indeed, I'm not sure the most powerful Christians in America holding public office or the courts even believe in the faith at all, and are just appealing to the extremists as a means to retain their power.


logicalfallacy234 t1_ir2har0 wrote

Yup! My understanding is that for a lot of faith based people, they feel the only real way to bring that faith into the world is through politics. To them, the separation of church and state is a non-sequitur.

The Islamist philosopher Sayyid Qutab (who influenced a half century now of radical Islamism) felt that that idea of separation of the material and spiritual worlds agreed on in Ancient Greece is the central mistake of the Western world, that has caused all of its suffering. The way around that suffering IS making church and state one and the same.

I feel like a lot the modern radical Christian movement in America has arrived at that same thought, albeit usually less well-articulated, and aided by good old, Roman Empire style imperialism and racism.


FlaxxSeed t1_ir2tsp6 wrote

The problem is when their sexuality is attached to the religion, example, marriage. They are in the death cult and their brain's reward synapses are attached to the cult. There is no going back they are destroyed and should be viewed as such, like you would perminate brain damage.