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llamasonic t1_itri3jh wrote

Was this the first time an early warning system actually sent a warning before the quake? Heard from friend that warnings went out.


Unfriendly_Neighbors t1_itrj11n wrote

If you define early as being before the earthquake struck then yes it did in fact warn me before it struck. However, I would not consider 1 second before the earthquake striking early but hey it at least warned me.


ConeheadSlim t1_itrwhpz wrote

My experience as well - I wasn't sure if the vibration was my phone or the quake


SideburnSundays t1_itslf6o wrote

Before the earthquake struck your location. The alert was triggered by an earthquake already occurring somewhere else, it wasn’t predicted.


teaneedz t1_itsgds2 wrote

I received a notification from the MyShake app during the earthquake. I was also in a Zoom meeting at the time, when another participant said, "Woah" while looking about the room before the seismic vibes hit me.

Zoom a better early warning system?


danfinger51 t1_ittdyip wrote

I got the alert on my pixel about 5 seconds before I felt it in Oakland. Wasn't a big jolt. More of a gentle swaying for almost 30 seconds.


happyscrappy t1_itsulby wrote

Maybe in the US.

The systems have been in place in Japan for a while longer.


Taysir385 t1_ittxomk wrote

There was a 4.1 a month ago in the north bay that also had warnings go out to 4 (iirc) counties. It beat the shockwave in most locations.