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theyipper t1_iqpw488 wrote

The bumpy square store.


KiloSierraDelta t1_iqqmg94 wrote

Eastern Blocs


[deleted] t1_iqsxsn1 wrote

🎵I am the man who arranges the blocks That are made by the men in Kazakhstan They come two weeks late and they don't tessellate...🎵


MaximumEffort433 t1_iqpx4ss wrote

The People's Marketplace of Stackable Solids!


Aleashed t1_iqqmvj2 wrote

Wait until they start selling iFone XIV Pro


Projectrage t1_iqr2p4z wrote

The shitty-playmobil-Maltese-Lego-knock off store.


Ironsimian t1_iqq5xqs wrote

Papa I want Legos

No child you play with cubes, make you strong russian


aimed_4_the_head t1_iqqkvh3 wrote

Also, like all strong Russian, you flee to European Union to avoid war draft


StifleStrife t1_iqt9cl3 wrote

smart russians. And thats kinda low bar, trying to avoid a Putin draft


GetoffmylawN7 t1_iqtg5wo wrote

2022 will forever be remember as the year of the Putin draft.


StifleStrife t1_iqts0oc wrote

The entire decade so far is a real headache.


DaveOfTheDead3 t1_iqpyad8 wrote

Damn the Russian lego black market is going to be fire.


thedeadthatyetlive t1_iqpzeg8 wrote

Pretty soon entrepreneurial Americans will be making a hundred dollars off every pair of Levi's they ship over there again. New cold war, same hot deals.


AnselmFox t1_iqq9tbw wrote

The avg Muscovite makes about $24k a yr. I don’t think the market will be too hot…


dabisnit t1_iqqee9m wrote

You make your budget AFTER buying your Lego’s


TldrDev t1_iqqlrvj wrote

I'm all for fuck Russia and whatever, but just to clarify, using US prices against other country salaries doesn't really work. The rest of the world has wildly cheaper prices. For example, I am an American but I live in Vietnam. The average college educated white collar salary is $300/mo.

That amount of money affords you an apartment in the city, food, gas, spending money, etc. Enough to squirrel some money away for big purchases. People here still buy iPhone and gaming computers and Legos, play expensive hobbies like Warhammer and whatever.

While the per month, and per year salary on paper look quite bad, the cost of living, and small quality of life adjustments, is proportionally lower, so it sort of all balances out.

We have to pay shitty CEO salaries and whatever all along the chain, from shipping and logistics, trucking companies, gas companies, internet and whatever, Walmart. That drives up the regional cost quite high in the US, and as a result, 40k is near poverty levels in much of the US where, if you had that amount in Russia or Vietnam, you're basically a millionaire.

There are still people who drive Ferraris and real estate is still in the hundreds of thousands for a small sliver of land here, so there are expensive items even by western standards.

That said, despite them making 24k, you can still extract value selling black market goods and have a very healthy margin. Once that money leaves though, you've extracted some value from the economy, which overall, isn't great for Russia.


jish_werbles t1_iqrb0pb wrote

These expensive name brand goods are still the same price though but you’re saying that since all the essential goods and services are much cheaper you can save up for the expensive goods at the same rate as someone in America? Just trying to clarify for myself


TldrDev t1_iqrj8x7 wrote

Yeah, that's correct. Luxury goods are the same price, but basically every other daily expense is pennies on the dollar. It takes a bit more saving to buy an iPhone but it's in reach for someone if they want it.


kthnxbai123 t1_iquaer1 wrote

Hundreds of thousands is like prime location Hanoi levels and that’s for a pretty good apartment. Compare that to a major a city in the US where you’d be paying millions


TldrDev t1_iqujsj0 wrote

>Hundreds of thousands is like prime location Hanoi levels

Our apartment in Saigon is a 2 bed 2 bath, and it cost $240k. Our apartment is tiny. Maybe 650 square feet.

We were looking at some land in Ba Ria, and it was 300k for a corner lot in a suburb without a house. The lot would need for 4 trees to be removed and the land leveled before we could even hope to start building.

Land in Saigon is millions. Apartments are affordable. Land in the suburbs is still obscenely expensive.

Its less expensive than the US relative to its equivelent location, but it's ridiculously expensive for Vietnamese. It's still also expensive for an average westerner.

You're not gonna come here on a 40k salary and snap up a bunch of land, I mean.


VegasKL t1_iqs6s7w wrote

$24k USD / yr? What's the ratio to the cost of living? That's normally the more important metric.


plopseven t1_iqq4ur4 wrote

All the “rebranding” Russia is doing of intellectual property / well-known brands reminds me of when my friend went to China and got a pair of “Abdidas” shoes.

Same style, worse quality, a single extra letter.


UptownShenanigans t1_iqsqlhs wrote

I got my girlfriend a Dolge & Gabanna bag at the knock off markets in Hong Kong. Legit looked exactly like the real thing except the small/hilarious “typo”


TheNewGirl_ t1_iqpv3jx wrote


can you imagine you ask for some Lego for christmas and you get world of cubes XD

so fucking sad lmao


Hereiam_AKL t1_iqpvzma wrote

Ukrainian kids might be happy if they don't need to go to a bomb shelter for Christmas. That's sad.


SuperstitiousPigeon5 t1_iqqft45 wrote

Way to take a light hearted joke at the expensive of the Russians and bring the room down with your gritty reality.


Hereiam_AKL t1_iqqgkec wrote

Sorry, my mum and dad spent the first years of their lives in bomb shelters, my mum met her dad first time when she was 8 years old.

Hoped those times were over in Europe.


SuperstitiousPigeon5 t1_iqqh9tr wrote

Those times will be over when Europe is united. When all the nations of the world agree that borders are fixed, and the sandbox you play in is yours to make the best life you can for your people.


Hereiam_AKL t1_iqqhgqc wrote

Ukraine wanted to be part of that (EU) which triggered the bully who wasn't happy that Ukraine didn't want to be his pet


SuperstitiousPigeon5 t1_iqqh3f4 wrote

Way to take a light hearted joke at the expense of the Russians and bring the room down with your gritty reality.


ThePerfectSoup t1_iqq21ce wrote

“World of cube! Children will love.”

It’s not the same, Boris…


Ok-Significance2027 t1_iqq0s4g wrote

"Ah, how hard it is to live in Russia, in this place full of the stench of physical and moral deception, a place of wickedness, lies and wickedness.” – Sergei Aksakov

"The Russian is the biggest and most naughty liar in the world.” – Ivan S. Turgenev

"A people who hate freedom, worship slavery, love chains on their hands and feet, defiled physically and morally… ready at any time to defile everything and everywhere.” – Ivan C. Shmeliov


penguino6971 t1_iqq3do5 wrote

nice, some Russophobia


Ok-Significance2027 t1_iqq3l2r wrote

Correction: nice quotes from observant Russians

Here are a few more:

“A nation that roams Europe and is looking for something to destroy, to simply dust everything.” – F. M. Dostoevsky

"We are not a people, but cattle, rats, wild hordes of villains and murderers.” – Mikhail Bulgakov

"The most important sign of victory for the Russian people is their cruelty full of sadism.” – Maxim Gorky


TeaGuru t1_iqqh6yo wrote

Don't judge people by their governments


khakansson t1_iqqmvhd wrote

Why not? Are they not part of the same culture? Where do we draw the line between innocents and enablers?


TeaGuru t1_iqqrjr5 wrote

So all people living under tryanny should be considered tyrants? So all North Koreans are bad? What about abused partners?

The shallow thinking behind stuff like this and people like you are a lot of what is fucked in the world .

Read some history. Life of luxury has made you ignorant. In your little world you can draw your lines wherever you want , just make sure to put the crayons back when your done.


khakansson t1_iqqs0js wrote

Were all germans except for the nazi elite completely innocent?


TeaGuru t1_iqqt34r wrote

No. But were they all guilty?

My grandparents survived Auschwitz, lost their first child there so your example hits closer to me than I'm guessing it does to you. My grandparents moved to Dortmund Germany, to become one of the first Rabbis after WWII in the country.

Imo the one thing our society is greatly missing is empathy. Actual true empathy. Try it, you'll be better off.


khakansson t1_iqr2wcl wrote

No, sorry, empathy has its limits. At some point a people need to take responsibility for its own fate. What would the West look like today if our grandparents didn't do that? If we stopped doing it? Just burying your head in the sand is being complicit.


TeaGuru t1_iqtg2pq wrote

Empathy does not have any limits. If you were born with Hitler's exact generic make up and lived good exact life, your be Hitler. I have empathy for people so sick and twistedv that they harm others. I have empathy for millions of citizens that are fed propaganda and are worried about where their next meal will come from or if their spouse/child will die on the battlefield, as a political prisoner or a POW. I have empathy for people with psychotic disorders. Etc.

People can only take responsibility for themselves. Everything else is theater. Your grandparents for what they believed in , great.

I vote, I'll try to engage with anyone that is reasonable. I take care of my people and strangers. That's all I can do. I definitely don't pass judgement on people who's life I can never know as a group, nation, religion etc.


mr_blockchain_ t1_iqrcdp3 wrote

You sound brave, a true keyboard warrior! /s

What the fuck have you done during your worthless life? You sound like a stupid racist to me.


khakansson t1_iqree5r wrote

And you sound like a thoroughly balanced individual. Did something I say hit a nerve? good.


mr_blockchain_ t1_iqrcmxn wrote

You are correct here, and the downvotes are coming from the bots and the stupid russophobe racists. Carry on, fellow human.


MoldyOldCrow t1_iqq2bfj wrote

Ah the evolution of "Soviet Squares"


008Zulu t1_iqpzu0f wrote

It's probably that same knock-off stuff they sell on Wish. Which for discount Lego isn't that bad, I mean the sets always miss a couple of pieces (sometimes critical ones), and the quality isn't that great. I suppose if you don't like your kids all that much, it'll do for birthdays or Christmas.


LonelyMachines t1_iqqihbf wrote

Interesting, comrade. Let's mix some Dr. Pibb and Jim Daniels and go check it out.


PaddyAllen t1_iqqpapm wrote

I kinda expected all russian “cubes” to be different shades of grey.


phantomx20 t1_iqt2f8q wrote

Would make sense as the rainbow is a symbol of the LGBTQ community and we all know Russia's thoughts on gay people.


Might_Aware t1_iqq6swo wrote

This is like the Russian Itchy & Scratchy episode. Someone Wittier than me quote something from it


BobExAgentOfHydra t1_iqr0mj8 wrote

"I am the man who arranges the blocks

That descend upon me from up above

They come down and I spin them around

Til they fit in the ground like hand in glove

Sometimes it seems that to move blocks is fine

And the lines will be formed as they fall

Then I see that I have misjudged it!

I should not have nudged it after all

Can I have a long one please?

Why must these infernal blocks tease?"


AppaAndThings t1_iqq7ixq wrote

What's gonna happen to that damn rectangular prism piece? The most iconic piece and that one I always stub my toe on.


kwangqengelele t1_iqqfrbw wrote

What a struggling, poor little country.


Ngilko t1_iqrf4w9 wrote

Can't believe they went for "world of Bricks" when "Red Squares" was right there waiting.


8-36 t1_iqq2xz8 wrote

World of cubes in a country of squares, amazing.


thedeadthatyetlive t1_iqpz966 wrote

Same old soviet ripoffs but a much smaller territory and only relevant to the world at large due to its belligerence. New boss, "new" country, same mistakes.


TauCabalander t1_iqqzu9l wrote

Honestly at this point I'm surprised they just didn't keep the name and annex them too.

Others: Stars Coffee (formerly Starbucks), Vkusno i tochka (formerly McDonalds)

Are they suddenly worried about legal repercussions?


louise_mcsass t1_iqsxz7q wrote

We have legos at home.

The legos at home.


Bunch_of_Shit t1_iqu50y9 wrote

“Attachable Rectangle Buildables”


Freefromcrazy t1_iquz50b wrote

Can't wait to get my hands on the Stalin playset.


asymon t1_iqq3qq4 wrote

OK, maybe the colours are ugly af, but at last they do not fit together.


IlIFreneticIlI t1_iqqigq3 wrote

So they only sell the one type of lego then?

Given their supply-chain-issues, I could imagine that's the only one they might be able to make...


alegxab t1_iqqo62t wrote

I don't see why they wouldn't sell knockoff or alternative minifigs, as they're more common than blocks in lots of countries


I_am_not_JohnLeClair t1_iqqlpyg wrote

They don’t even hurt your bare feet when you step on them in the middle of the night. Haha Russia is weak...really weak


VegasKL t1_iqs6czk wrote

That's a stupid name .. cubes aren't nearly as versatile as the various other shapes.


wes-on-reddit t1_iqu484d wrote

Can’t wait for the Movie and theme song “Everything is Потрясающие”.


THEFLYINGSCOTSMAN415 t1_iqqud90 wrote

Lol the majority of pieces aren't even cubes. Shoulda called it world of bricks


nightdragon69 t1_iqqxcjs wrote

I hope they step on all the blocks and may the blocks lodge in all the theiving Russians feet.


JediVaultDweller t1_iqr4yvh wrote

Hate the “west” but want to continue living in it. Fuck ruzzia


Solarcult t1_iqr7h27 wrote

Lol “rebranding”. A quick look on the Mir Kubikov website shows a LOT of LEGO logos for a company that isn’t supposed to have a LEGO license.


vaskokiflata t1_iqrhwy4 wrote

I’m surprised they don’t rip Lego off and called Rugo


MRredditer021 t1_iqrjcoy wrote

And when they can no longer produce these, it will be replaced by “World of Potato Cubes”.


soldat7 t1_iqrk78j wrote

Reminds me of when they changed Baskin Robbins to Ice Cream World back in the 90’s.


zombiegojaejin t1_iqrm04q wrote

"Calling of noble people's cubes as shitty lego shall to be punishment most harsh by gulag!"


SternLecture t1_iqrmqel wrote

The 3 dimensional plastic pieces of exclusively right angles repository.


Scienscatologist t1_iqrqnhd wrote

"Yes, comrade, it is true that we have replaced all the fine Western products with shittier Russian versions. But at least we won't have all those homosexuals and transsexuals to tempt corrupt us anymore!"


afunyun t1_iqt70oj wrote

Russia's got the great value brand economy


KaoVamp t1_iqygc7j wrote

You've seen chocolate-like product. Now behold, Lego-like product!


_Levitated_Shield_ t1_iqypljs wrote

>The benefits to Russia are enormous. Getting rid of Western franchises and replacing them with national ones, will give massive benefits to local manufacturing and reduces obesity… Shouldn’t we be punishing Russia for attacks rather then helping them like this?



Nena_Trinity t1_ir1rnzt wrote

Well beats nothing? I am shocked they did not go for MEGA Blocks. 😅


S118gryghost t1_ir23vgo wrote

As long as they're not Z blocks I'm good.

Get it. Nazi. Blokes? ...


CritaCorn t1_iqt7e04 wrote

Dangit Now I want some shitty Lego knock off while eating my moldy McDonalds knock off!


wrecktangle1988 t1_iqtk1co wrote

But mom I want Legos

We have Lego at Russia



mathiaus002 t1_iqqmvxf wrote

Oh boy is communism still alive in Mother Russia,”World of Cubes”😂🤣😂
