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2SP00KY4ME t1_iqsj20f wrote

Now you talk about making the title "unreadable", after I just specified to you the one word I want added. You're arguing against a made up person.

I know it's way easier for you to approach this like I'm an idiot calling for a complete title rework, but try actually responding to what I'm saying instead of coming up with your own strawmen and inserting them for an easier time. Again, the definition of a convoy has militaristic associations. Literally look up the definition. It can also mean either military or civilian. Thus, this title does not explicitly state that it happened to civilians. These are facts. You just have to deal with them.

That these were civilians is an absolutely integral part of the story and should be part of the title. The specific number of cars, the range, Russia's response are minute details, and you know that. The fact this happened to civilians is not, and you know that.

I can have a problem with the title not including one word that is completely integral to the context of the story. I know the insults are fun to throw around, but that doesn't make me illiterate, sorry.


Brtsasqa t1_iqt0vvy wrote

Stop playing dumb. You accidentally proclaimed your illiteracy by insulting a perfectly correct title. It happens. Learn from it and move on.


2SP00KY4ME t1_iqt3e6q wrote

My original comment said 'convoy' makes it sound militaristic. The dictionary definition of the word specifies militaristic associations, and can mean either civilian or military. Upon prompt, I explained the distinction that this event was civilian is an important enough one to make in the title.

I literally cannot explain this simpler to you, but at this point you're obviously laser focused on just trying to own a stranger, so I don't really feel the need to defend myself to you anymore. Hopefully you can find some better outlets for your energy. Have a good one!