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optimaloutcome t1_jdntm35 wrote

As of about 1 PM pacific, this article has more info than the one linked:

One person shot in the head at a bar in the casino. Two men identified as shooters and arrested. Seems like it's most likely some kind of dispute involving alcohol and dumb asses.


ryanoh826 t1_jdnxm9f wrote

Imagine wasting your life like that smh


p0ultrygeist1 t1_jdp74n0 wrote

Article was going full clickbait with that ‘drag brunch’ sign being so prominent


RepairThrowaway1 t1_jdqov8o wrote

No kidding, I wouldn't want to go to a Hard Rock Casino either, idk why they do it


[deleted] t1_jdn9ug0 wrote



Nosedivelever t1_jdng67z wrote

Likely not. Good eye.


CassandraAnderson t1_jdnm789 wrote

Edit: it was not a targeted shooting. Later reporting makes it seem as though it was three drunk people having a disagreement and two of them shooting one of them.

Today was the last day of their Saturday drag brunches that have been going on since November. I don't want to unduly speculate but I wouldn't be surprised.

The event was set to start at 10:30 but I assume that the 9:00 active shooter cause them to cancel or postpone.


Nosedivelever t1_jdqydqn wrote

I'm going to be late for the drag lunch. I've been drinking. Not a sentence I ever thought I'd put together. Save me a plate.


BurnzillabydaBay t1_jdnuyto wrote

Definitely an apropos coincidence.

Drag brunches are awesome. There’s one here in in SF. Super funny and the buffet is incredible.


LevelStudent t1_jdo0n4w wrote

I love drag but I hate people trying to distract me from my food so I'm torn.


BurnzillabydaBay t1_jdo2bnl wrote

Actually, you have time to eat before the show starts! If you want more food, you are allowed to get up and go to the buffet during the show. So it’s a win-win.

It’s in the Starlight Room on the top floor of the Saint Francis hotel. Really classy.


cajunsamurai OP t1_jdnaj8t wrote

Updates: Just after 9 a.m. Saturday morning a report of a potential active shooter was reported in the area of Stateline.

Multiple agencies including Carson are responding. According to scanner traffic, one individual was reported to have been shot and is currently being transported to Barton.

Law enforcement is pursuing the shooter or shooters, and are in the area of the Hard Rock.


mamawantsallama t1_jdnlujr wrote

Your States gun laws are only as good as the States surrounding them.


ProfaneWords t1_jdnomi6 wrote

Hard Rock is on the Nevada side of Lake Tahoe. To be clear, Stateline, NV and South Lake Tahoe, CA feel like one city, but if anyone thinks that CA legislation has anything to do with this, then they need to look at a map.


FamiliarTry403 t1_jdnmkb1 wrote

That’s the big issue with Illinois gun laws, you’re neighbors are Indiana and kentucky, Iowa and Missouri.


jkenosh t1_jdnvmyp wrote

You forgot Wisconsin


FamiliarTry403 t1_jdnwa6g wrote

I did, I purposely left it out maybe I’m wrong but I feel like Wisconsin is probably responsible for the least amount of guns entering the state compared to the other 4 I named but maybe I’m incorrect


jkenosh t1_jdnwowd wrote

As a gun owner I think we need federal gun reform. I just traded /sold a old pickup for 1 handgun 1 rifle and some cash. Even private party sales should have to go thru a background check.


FamiliarTry403 t1_jdny067 wrote

Michigan just did that, every transaction is supposed to have a check done now


Error_83 t1_jdo52ul wrote

Supposed to*

I feel it should work like a vehicle title. Previous owner fills out bottom and mails it in. If new owner doesn't register, it's like two warnings with fines, then you lose rights/gun license.

The easy way around this would be "thefts". First time is a fine for improperly stored. Second time is that charge, which already exists. Third time you lose your rights/license.


EmotionalSuportPenis t1_jdoaquj wrote

NICS needs to be open to the public either way. Right now only registered gun dealers can access it, which means if you're doing a private sale and want to do a background check even though you aren't legally obligated to, you can't. Your only other choice is to transfer it through a licensed dealer, but they charge anywhere from $20 to $100 to put it on their books and do the background check.


jkenosh t1_jdoe71t wrote

I only sell privately to people with concealed carry permits. If the state oks them for concealed carry they will pass a background check


Error_83 t1_jdomw4l wrote

If it's still active. I had a "valid" license for a few years that was actually suspended. Just never got punched.


Footwarrior t1_jdof9o2 wrote

The fee for a dealer doing a private sale background check here in Colorado is $17.50.


A_Gent_4Tseven t1_jdo1c88 wrote

Years ago I made the mistake of private selling a rifle to “some guy” I met through a buddy. Turns out he was some connected Russian kid with the nickname “The Kicker”. Bought my gun, same day he took said gun to a guy that owed him cash(less than the gun cost) he proceeded to shoot the rifle into the ceiling of the house, then stabbed the dude in the chest. Took his money and left. Left the fucking gun too… that was the shittiest thing to be connected to when you’re in the service and took a friends advice on who to sell a gun to. I trusted him, and never should have been able to legally sell that gun just because “we did a bill of sale”. I fucked up. Dude would have gotten stabbed regardless, but atleast he wouldn’t have used my gun to possibly harm someone. Haven’t private sold a gun to anyone except immediate family since. And don’t think a “bill of sale” means shit law or not.. fucking police made my life hell too. Though for a very short time, because once that napkin with signatures hit the lawyers desk it stopped. And honestly I should have gotten in trouble for selling it to that man.


Beautiful_Spite_3394 t1_jdoe55n wrote

I got held up by gunpoint by a dude and later we found out it was an illegal gun and the guy got the gun similarly to the way you describe. Not exactly the same, they did it under the table and the dude was a felon so he should have never been able to buy the gun.

Later the story comes out and the dude who sold him the gun, did not give a fuck lol. He said it was my fault I got a gun put in my face, "you shouldn't have been there". Lol I shouldn't have been at the gas station. Nice. It's my fault.

So its really cool you think the way you do and you changed your actions because this guy is probably still selling his guns illegally and yes I reported him but it was indiana so im sure nothing happened. I carry myself, but it's not realistic to use a gun when you have a gun already in your face lol. I got out with my life that's all that mattered to me.

It's so funny to see peoples true nature when a gun enters the fray. The moment a gun comes out I said "come on dude I have a kid to get back home to, calm down..." lolol I never expected that to come out.


A_Gent_4Tseven t1_jdofrwf wrote

When people pull a gun, and you go “come on dude” they already know you have the biggest set of proverbial balls… the guy who sold the gun was probably jealous you didn’t piss yourself like he would have.

The nuts on you… I applaud you.

Edit. For the record.. in you ever find yourself in the North Eastern area of PA and need “A Dick that will work For you!” PM me. Lol.


Beautiful_Spite_3394 t1_jdol843 wrote

Damn man I can't tell you how much that little bit means to me.. it was the weakest I ever felt in my life. It really was... i was getting back home to my son either way but I was scared.

But youre right I never thought about it like that, I guess out of all the responses I could have given, there was alot of resistance. I didn't say "okay take whatever you want" or literally anything else. I said I needed to get back home tonight.


A_Gent_4Tseven t1_jdoluk1 wrote

Listen I’m not saying try it again… fuck please don’t. But I’m just saying I’d have handled it the same way, because if I had a kid to get back to… I’m going out either trying for the gun or being a smart ass. But psychological effect wise, most people with guns aren’t expecting to get flak… so they get scared.

Scared+Guns= Bad Times. But again DONT DO THAT AGAIN!!! As a human to another human I have to say don’t because I want you to stay safe… as a human to another human I also have to say “You got balls and I respect that” and I’m glad you’re good.

Edit. I also have to add the crying scheme doesn’t work well. In any situation I’ve dealt with in Florida when it came to that.. it was a fucking crap shoot. Most are just kids looking to survive… but there are those few.. those few that really are hard ass killers. But crying seemingly always lead to a shooting, even if no one was hurt. Like the gun shots are going to call them down..


Beautiful_Spite_3394 t1_jdomkx6 wrote

Yeah man definitely, I just have to thank you though for turning literally the weakest point I've ever felt in my existence into being something I can maybe be a little proud of for having that strength to protect my life that night like you're saying. Cause you're right that would be unnerving to hear as a robber out of all the responses.

I'm not gonna try it again, I really should have just asked what they wanted haha. Hindsight in 20/20 but I just don't wanna be in thay scenario again lol, I don't drive at night anymore so that's one step. 😅

I'm really just glad I got away that night without any issues either way haha


A_Gent_4Tseven t1_jdonn7s wrote

Always be proud. You stood up for yourself. That’s something strong you’ll give to your kid,wether you know it or not.


A_Gent_4Tseven t1_jdop5r2 wrote

I know I’m going to sound like a therapist right now.. but. If I didn’t take the time to address my issues with stuff that happened with me. Even these little talks about feeling scared.. they’ll help you out with it in the long run. I know having a gun in your face blows, I know also having a gun on your hip blows too.. I know you carry and I know that having that gun can give some people false confidence. Take the solace in the fact that, not only did you stand up for yourself, you didn’t let the anger or fear run you into taking the persons life nor did it make you think you were impervious to damage and cause you to lose your own trying to defend yourself. So you hit the hat trick. You got 3 perfects in handling a situation and it worked out. You stood up for yourself, you didn’t let a personal weapon get you or another person killed, and you came out on top. You also admit it made you feel weak, that’s a step some can’t take. Just don’t beat yourself up over it.


foreverpsycotic t1_jdo7ddn wrote

Open nics to public so people don't need to pay up to $100 then.


jkenosh t1_jdodyne wrote

The way we go about in Wisconsin is only sell privately to people with a concealed carry permit.


Cheesesticks1977 t1_jdoc6t0 wrote

As a Canadian, this hurts my brain. My brother had to notify the RCMP that he was selling his guns to a guy, and that guy had to get a background check by them before the transaction. It took over a week before it was completed.


BuffaloInCahoots t1_jdohem2 wrote

Out of curiosity did it cost him anything to get a background check done?


CthulhuShoes t1_jdoc78d wrote

Same. As a gun owner and enthusiast we desperately need gun reform. People say the gun show (and private sale) loophole doesn't exist, but when we were 17 my friend and I went to a gun show and he was able to buy a revolver with literally no questions asked.


Guarder22 t1_jdoqotn wrote

How many years ago was this? And do you live in a state that doesn't require private party background checks?


CthulhuShoes t1_jdphanc wrote

It was around 10 years ago, and no background check was required.


c0mf0rtableli4r t1_jdnpc1z wrote

California has Nevada and Arizona to deal with.


PowertothePixie t1_jdo8wnp wrote

I lived in Nevada for over 30 years, people love their guns there. I don't know if it's Texas-level love, but if it isn't, I suspect it's close.


Yitram t1_jdomrd2 wrote

Something like a third of the guns in Chicago come from Indiana.


BuffaloInCahoots t1_jdohaio wrote

Pretty sure California has more guns than most states and most didn’t come from other states. I grew up there and during the 4th full auto gun fire was normal, this was in the early 90s. Guns have never been hard to get in California, with or without the laws, with or without crossing state lines.


skeetsauce t1_jdoigs2 wrote

People who don’t live in CA act like you cant easily buy guns here. Gun rosters and 10 day waiting period suck, but it’s really not that bad considering all the other BS I deal with in life.


BuffaloInCahoots t1_jdojxh9 wrote

Nope and that’s if you care about follow the laws. If you don’t care about the laws you can get pretty much whatever you want, without a waiting period or background check. For your normal person this might be shady but it’s not hard to do.


xlovegunx t1_jdpnabl wrote

Yes getting a gun was super easy. Just needed my driver license and not have a felony. I got one after someone broke into my house and stole money.


Hatedpriest t1_jdqaxfx wrote

A gun, a drivers license, or a felony?

I mean, I'd prolly catch a felony if someone broke into my house and stole money, so...


SFW_Account__ t1_jdnxsk3 wrote

Any law is only as good as the citizen's willingness to obey them.


Beepboopbob1 t1_jdq4xuh wrote

Which is directly affected by the severity of the penalty. There are many countries where criminals use few if any firearms simply because the law is so harsh that it's not worth the risk.


WACK-A-n00b t1_jdoxwhx wrote

Nevada has pretty relaxed gun laws, and hard rock is in Nevada.


SadlyReturndRS t1_jdnzl0c wrote

And not just the states surrounding them.

Most guns recovered from crime scenes in NYC, for instance, come from VA, GA, and FL. I-95 is just one of several Iron Pipelines in the US.

And then the US as a whole becomes the same for the rest of North America. 3 out of 4 guns found at crime scenes in Canada came from the US. 2 out of 3 guns found at crime scenes in Mexico came from the US. Almost all the border crossing gun smugglers are Americans as well.


WellHacktually t1_jdoppbv wrote

They're not even that good. The kind of people they're meant to deter don't care about laws.


BloodlustyGummybear t1_jdpx9gd wrote

That applies to your international neighbours too, USA.

Both Canada and Mexico suffer issues from how readily available guns are in the US. The USA supplies the overwhelming majority of guns owned in Mexico - from farmers to cartel members.


SlimChiply t1_jdndggv wrote

They just canceled the shelter in place order


Morepastor t1_jdn9ryu wrote

Without a path to remove weapons from society (not saying this is the answer) we need to come together to figure out how we can make mental health more accessible. People who do these things are suffering from some sort of disorder and help should be easier to get than a gun.


Sunstang t1_jdnelj4 wrote

There's really not a compelling link between mental illness in a clinical sense, and mass shootings.

What we have is a societal values problem. Societal illness rather than individual mental illness.

We have a society that values access to firearms over the public good, is increasingly tribalized and alienated from a meaningful sense of community, and a significant percent of the population seem to see violence as both an appropriate way to solve problems, and see people ideologically disparate from them as enemies and not deserving of the equal right to exist peaceably.


SanityIsOptional t1_jdnj8yk wrote

We have a hopelessness problem, people who hate society and want to commit suicide in the most hurtful and sensational manner possible.


N8CCRG t1_jdnq1sd wrote

And they can often get efficient tools to accomplish that without much difficulty.


Sunstang t1_jdoh1l6 wrote

Don't know why this is being downvoted. It's not incorrect.


Charlestwne t1_jdnosvd wrote

Thank you for this. I am so tired of people perpetuating that myth.


pebkacerrorspersist t1_jdnmaj9 wrote

But when I bring up the fact that so much focus has been put on Girls succeeding and excelling in all areas, and are now WAY beyond the boys in the US in every measurable metrics and that our boys are being left behind and deprioritized, and that is having a SERIOUSLY detrimental effect on our boys mental health and potential future outcomes - I'm called a misogynist.

It's a conversation we're not allowed to have and until we acknowledge that and we correct the lurch and start focusing on building up young men again...this is the world we have.

EDIT: The Downvote brigade has arrived. Until we start raising our boys up to the level of our girls in importance, focus, and funding - You will get more disillusioned, lost, mentally ill YOUNG ADULT MALE shooters. As the problems get worse, the catastrophe that follows will scale up as well, both in frequency and in volume.

I have a daughter, no sons. I realize this is a hard conversation, and goes against every piece of societal programming that has been indoctrinated in you - but rip the band-aid off.


actvdecay t1_jdnpqnb wrote

There is a men’s crisis going on. Men must unite and help each other. In positive and constructive ways. It is their moment to define a new manhood in this society


antiproton t1_jdq8ilu wrote

> But when I bring up the fact that so much focus has been put on Girls succeeding and excelling in all areas, and are now WAY beyond the boys in the US in every measurable metrics and that our boys are being left behind and deprioritized, and that is having a SERIOUSLY detrimental effect on our boys mental health and potential future outcomes - I'm called a misogynist.

Prove. It.


Glait t1_jdnj4vi wrote

Science Vs did a great podcast episode on mass shootings . I don't know how much access to mental health resources and suicide prevention would help but it's one of those things were there is no downside to expanding access to mental healthcare. They talked to a researcher who studies mass shooters and when it came to the question of mental illness and they found

"roughly one in ten of these shooters is doing it because they’re psychotic. Other research finds similar numbers – sometimes a little higher. Generally speaking, though, the majority of shooters are doing it for some other reason besides psychosis.

The mental health issue that really stands out here is this: About 70% of the shooters were suicidal. In fact, the probability that a mass shooter dies by suicide after the crime is much higher than for other kinds of murderers."

When Jillian looked closely at the period leading up to these men’s crimes, she realized they had often reached some kind of crisis point.

Usually it was because they just had their wife leave them, or they just lost their job, or something dramatic happened in their family, or at school – where it was kind of the final thing that pushed them over the edge.

So these are… they’re angry suicides. What we see in these perpetrators, and there’s one sister of a perpetrator who put this particularly well for me, she said: My brother, he was saying, it was all about ‘What's wrong with me, what’s wrong with me? Why don't I fit in? Why don’t I have the things in life that I thought I would have? What is it about me?’

And then she said there was a switch. And it became not ‘What's wrong with me,’ but ‘What's wrong with everybody else, and whose fault is it? Who made this happen to me?’

And so in some cases it's women, or it’s a religious group, or it’s a racial group. They kind of choose a target that represents their grievance with the world–who is it that they blame."


MeltBanana t1_jdo28gq wrote

And that is starting to touch on the underlying question to all of this, which is what is causing people to feel so unsatisfied and unfulfilled in the first place? Is it situation specific, such as domestic abuse and bullying, or is it a more general societal problem?

Personally I think it's the latter, and it's a massive beast of nuanced issues we don't have answers for or understand yet. It's everything from the hopelessness young people feel when looking at their career prospects in our current capitalism-fueled wealth divide, it's the modern media cycle constantly dividing us with fear, hate, and bias, it's social media warping our reality and pushing people down rabbit holes, it's the reality of being an average looking male with average intelligence and no support system settling into a life of an unfulfilling meaningless job at Walmart with low pay so he can afford a shitty overpriced apartment where he spends his free time smoking weed, playing video games, and browsing internet forums. It's only a matter of time before he has a crisis. That crisis might be getting the motivation to do something different, hitting the gym, going back to school, etc. Or it might be falling into the rabbit hole of the internet, warping his reality to blame someone else, and ultimately acting out his frustrations with the world through violence.

You take that same young man, put him in a cabin in the woods 600 years ago with an average wife, fill his days with gardening, chopping wood, raising chickens, and children, and I bet his chances of having some crisis and becoming a mass murderer drop to almost 0. There are major problems with our modern world that humans struggle to understand and aren't designed to handle. We are animals, our brains need positive feedback in the form of tangible reward from our own labors, and that is increasingly being removed from society.


N8CCRG t1_jdnbrgp wrote

Getting access to mental healthcare is only a piece of it though. Recognizing that somebody needs to get that mental healthcare is possibly even more difficult. Rarely do I ever hear about any of these shooters having histories of attempting to get mental healthcare but being unable to.


Morepastor t1_jdnde08 wrote

Some have certainly displayed behaviors that even attract law enforcement attention. Access and making mental health less of a stigma. We need solutions that can pass. Biden addressed this recently when he said “we need more police & more funding for them” he was speaking about mental health officers to assist with these calls.

I agree it’s a multifaceted problem.

Addressing the root causes of violence: Many mass shooters have a history of domestic violence, bullying, or other forms of aggression. Addressing these underlying issues through education, counseling, and intervention programs could help prevent future acts of violence.

Improving mental health care: While not all mass shooters have a diagnosed mental illness, some do. Improving access to mental health care and reducing the stigma surrounding mental illness could help identify and treat potential perpetrators before they turn to violence.

Encouraging responsible reporting: Some mass shootings are motivated by a desire for attention or notoriety. Responsible reporting by the media, including avoiding sensationalism and not naming shooters, could help reduce the incentive for these types of attacks.

Enhancing school security: Many mass shootings take place in schools, so improving security measures such as metal detectors, security cameras, and school resource officers could help prevent these tragedies.


[deleted] t1_jdne0ta wrote

If someones identity is 100% one thing (guns, trump, god, etc) that should be a pretty clear indicator.


asdaaaaaaaa t1_jdnhic0 wrote

I think no matter what happens, giving everyone access to mental health care facilities and treatments is just a beneficial thing for everyone. It's sorta like providing regular healthcare. Generally if you bar someone from initial treatment, it's much more expensive and time consuming for everyone when it's an emergency. It's also much harder to come back from such an emergency, whereas earlier treatment could put someone in a position where they'd at least be able to assist with some payments, or support themselves.


MeatsimPD t1_jdpvtt9 wrote

> Without a path to remove weapons from society (not saying this is the answer) we need to come together to figure out how we can make mental health more accessible

Violence and crime are not mental health issues, you don't need to have a mental health problem to decide to commit a crime or to impulsively commit a crime.

Why people commit crimes is a complicated and multifaceted issue, as is how we define what actions are crimes, but don't fall for the right-wing that it's just "mental health." When they say "mental health" what they mean is "some people are just crazy and you can't do anything about it" which is untrue and a distraction from solving real problems


Waste-Worth-1047 t1_jdpr8xq wrote

You think that "mental health accessibility" is going to stop a shooting like this? It's some guy with an attitude that carries that decided "he wasn't going to be disrespected" or some shit like that so he shot someone in the head. Just some clown with a chip on his shoulder who's going to spend the next 20+ years in jail.


Petersaber t1_jdq4338 wrote

Most mass shootings don't have a connection to mental health, though. Being radicalized isn't a mental illness (massacres), and neither is being a criminal (gang shootings).


dazed_and_bamboozled t1_jdq0a3d wrote

The most urgent mental health issue facing the US at the moment is arguably the mass delusion that a country awash with military grade, hand-held shooting machines is a safer country and that the problem of mass shootings can somehow be solved without drastically reducing the number of shooting machines. Do you know what phrase we use in the UK for ‘active shooter’? We don’t have one.


pebkacerrorspersist t1_jdnlr23 wrote

> remov(ing) weapons from society


Since that will never, ever happen - here we are. This is the world Gun Owners have created. And we all sat idly by and watched it happen. It's too late now.


Dolthra t1_jdnomwh wrote

In fairness, most of us didn't. This is a decades old effort, and blaming us for failing when most people on reddit weren't even alive when it started, even if they're in their 30s, is not productive.


pebkacerrorspersist t1_jdnspv2 wrote

I'm as guilty as you are. We're all equally to blame for where we are today. Until we reach that realization, we're toast.


Woodrovski t1_jdnm1gw wrote

Get rid of many guns will solve the problem a lot...other countries have mental health issues and it rarely happens

Getting downvoted just shows the American way. Absolutely crazy


yeahipostedthat t1_jdnsu52 wrote

There were DUI arrests last night as well, get rid of alcohol and we won't have that problem either.


ButtMilkyCereal t1_jdo08am wrote

You can't make a gun out of a gallon jug and a balloon.


yeahipostedthat t1_jdo2hqt wrote

3d printers


ButtMilkyCereal t1_jdoo4eb wrote

Are way more complicated and finicky than you give them credit for, and one capable of building a gun that won't blow up in your hand is way more expensive than a couple hundred dollars. Honestly, this argument is better if you talk about Craigslist machining tools, could probably get what you need for a gun for less than a thousand. But you were being disingenuous and stupid, which is par for the course.


Ansiremhunter t1_jdop0fn wrote

He could of gone the route of steel pipe, endcap, nail, glue, and shotgun shell, single shot and do not require any tools.

Probably the cheapest homebrew gun and would only cost probably 5 bucks


yeahipostedthat t1_jdp8rtf wrote

I'm not being disingenuous. There are far more DUIs committed than shootings. Your average run of the mill normal citizen is far more likely to have a few drinks and make the dangerous choice to drive drunk. Sure not everyone, but everyone is also not killing other people.....but safety first.....we must make our laws in order to ensure the lowest among us don't have the opportunity to commit crimes. I'm coming for your weed next.


Woodrovski t1_jdnthqg wrote

Cause alcohol was designed to kill things...right...


CassandraAnderson t1_jdo130c wrote

Technically you aren't wrong. Alcohol's ability to kill things is one of the things that gives it Medical value.

Alcohol: killing things professionally since 1363


yeahipostedthat t1_jdnu2m7 wrote

Whether it was designed to or not, it still does. I'd like to see it outlawed.


cribsaw t1_jdp2nb4 wrote

The choice of picture here is irresponsible bait. It makes it sound like a mass shooting happened at a drag brunch, which is not the case. Shame on whoever made that decision.


5zepp t1_jdr4bfv wrote

The opposite, it's a normal thing, was on the sign, and showing it helps normalize it. No need to be triggered by it.


GeekyGamer49 t1_jdpn318 wrote

Damn. I guess 400 million guns in America aren’t keeping us safer. Maybe we should go to 500 million?


BeKind_BeTheChange t1_jdnkzrc wrote

Someone snapped when they got the bill for their burger?


Shvasted t1_jdn9q3u wrote

It must be another day that ends in a Y in America…


harpsandcellos t1_jdq9g5o wrote

Don't worry. I'm sure the good guys carrying will show up and take care of it. s/


BarCompetitive7220 t1_jdqo1x2 wrote

Gun laws are extinct - this is a replay of the time that the far-right seeks to return to.


Maynard078 t1_jdt5eq0 wrote

What responsible gun owner was responsible for another active shooting event this time?


DolphinWings25 t1_jdu3jbe wrote

I always wonder why casinos don't do security checks like they would at an airport?

I also wonder why there aren't more violent crimes occuring in casinos.

Even after moving out of state, I am still terrified at the thought of a casino in downtown Chicago. I guarantee there will be shootings and end up either being a massive failure or turn into a super max security arena that just let's it spill out to the streets.


Fabulous-Ad6844 t1_jdowd5u wrote

Another day, another few shootings.

But freedom amiright /s


MeatsimPD t1_jdpvwj2 wrote

Hey my freedoms are worth more than someone else's life /s


alunidaje2 t1_jdnsrq8 wrote

as long as the police officers are safe!


Colecoman1982 t1_jdpgym9 wrote

There are a LOT of actual boot-lickers out there. If you're being sarcastic, you need to include a '/s' because no one else here can tell..