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rideontime87 t1_jc78kp6 wrote

society is build on the misery of the underclasses and we can't let them know about the cheat code to escaping it 🙃


0rvilleTootenbacher t1_jc7dgzc wrote

The elite wouldn't have any wage slaves if they all checked out early.


Wireless_Panda t1_jc7vxog wrote

“Hey please give me a better quality of life”


“K I’m gonna go kms”

Wait shit


MelancholyMushroom t1_jc8irj0 wrote

You joke but that is exactly that. Rich people have options to kill themselves. Easier to hide and get away with. Us? Not so much.


CrittyJJones t1_jc9nvpx wrote

This isn’t the reason for this. Someone who is terminally ill is most likely not in the workforce force. It’s more religious dogma.


SlackGhost t1_jc9rbp4 wrote

Also making some groups of people a lot of money. (I hate that I felt I had to type this.)


Judgementpumpkin t1_jc9pn2d wrote

It is, it’s the ultimate: “You clocked out 15 minutes early, that’s a strike and you’re stealing company time!1!1!!1”


Vegetable-Language45 t1_jc8ebay wrote

A lot of states criminalized suicide because the logic was you are destroying the kings property.


Williamplimpy t1_jc8ibbl wrote

Rich people also succeed or attempt to kill themselves, and as with most suicidal people, it’s usually out of irrational depression, not the calculated pain that the article is about.

In the standard suicide case, a majority of people say who survive say they do not wish they had died.

Don’t try to shove everything into a class framework; there is inequality, there is exploitation, but to ignore the direct causes of things is madness.
