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EvilGreebo t1_jegv28q wrote

It's highly unlikely that she'll end up paying her own bills. At the bare minimum this is a workman's comp claim never mind the lawsuit.

The incident happened 7 days ago - it'll take a while to sort out the payments but worst case she'll have a hell of a legal case.


SuitableNegotiation5 t1_jegvmsf wrote

Indeed. But there's still no way anyone is going to convince me that they're not a piece of shit company for not offering any assurances a week afterwards. She shouldn't need to worry about ANY of that while she's in the damn hospital.


rx_bandit90 t1_jegxbk7 wrote

The company may just be following basic legal advice of just don't say anything and let insurance and lawyers do their work. It wouldn't make sense for the company to jump up and start writing checks, insurance will cover it but they have to go by the policy. Somewhere in the policy it might say it won't reimburse the company anything they give, but will only give it to the person injured.


EvilGreebo t1_jeh1d2b wrote

You're making a hell of a lot of assumptions here. As u/rx_bandit90 said - there is a process for dealing with situations like this. All we know is the family said they opened a gofund me - they shouldn't even need one. You could just as rationally assume they're trying to profit off her misfortune while planning the lawsuit.