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Vegan_Honk t1_jeeq37e wrote

They expected inflation to increase anyways but the market will moon because it's slightly less than expected and thus fed can now cut rates because the peasants "will be fine" while rates are starting to really dig at important people: the rich.

Stupid fucking markets.


Snagmesomeweaves t1_jefdidx wrote

Once we get YOY data for May etc when the rates started increasing and changing consumer habits, the inflated numbers from housing market will start showing less bias on the overall inflation numbers.


Tonaia t1_jefh8am wrote

I don't disagree. The context of that particular story does matter though. Cal-Maine Foods could have taken a smaller profit, but they didn't. They took full advantage and exploited the supply shock, but they could only do that because they didn't lose any production themselves.

Their unwillingness to step back from profit kept the egg prices high.


MentallyUnchallenged t1_jefk6jf wrote

0.3% per month is still about 3.7% a year, nearly double the target 2% rate of inflation.


Fineous4 t1_jefoo75 wrote

If you made one cent last year in profit, but made eight cents this year it is a 700% increase in profit. Percent increases in profit don’t matter because they tell you absolutely nothing. Increases in revenue tell the story.


guitar_vigilante t1_jefsus8 wrote

No that isn't why. The food index increased 0.4% for February, and also the main CPI number published by the BLS is not Core CPI, so the number in the headline is not what you implied it is nor is the .4% increase in food out of line with the aggregate index.