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AurelianoTampa t1_jd46y9q wrote

The strike here isn't about paying teachers. It's a strike by service workers - cafeteria workers, bus drivers, custodians and special education assistants - for their wages to be increased. Teachers are striking in solidarity, but not for their own wages.

I think that the service workers deserve to be paid a living wage as well, but it's not correct to call this a strike to get teachers paid a living wage.


BrotherRoga t1_jd4ajfo wrote

>Teachers are striking in solidarity, but not for their own wages.

Though while we're at it...


SprinklesCurrent8332 t1_jd47wh1 wrote

Ok, thank you for your correction. Reading into more, they are asking for a 30% raise across the board. Maybe my comment would have been more correct if I had said, "school workers shouldn't have to strike for a 'living wage'.


pomonamike t1_jd4d1xq wrote

Not even a “living wage” the classified workers want to raise the minimum pay from $25k to $36k. $3000 a month isn’t living anywhere near LA. Good for my fellow teachers supporting these essential workers.


tbarr1991 t1_jd8gajb wrote

It aint even that after taxes either. Especially in cali. 36k in cali is laughable at best.


Darth_Meowth t1_jd506v6 wrote

For one this is not about teachers but support staff.

Second they are part time so the “living wage” Bernie Sanders crap you want to say is for part time employees.


DireBare t1_jd54ufz wrote

I hope you are not a reading comprehension teacher . . . .


Darth_Meowth t1_jd57cu6 wrote

Nope. I am not a teacher nor do I care about my spelling or grammar on Reddit.


richal t1_jd6jrks wrote

Nor understanding the meaning of "reading comprehension" for that matter. Hint: it has little to do with spelling or grammar.


pomonamike t1_jd54v65 wrote

>For one this is not about teachers

Who said it was? My comment directly states it’s about classified workers. Teachers are striking alongside them to show support. Second, not all of them are part time. These are some of the hardest working people I have had the honor of working alongside.

Sorry you are so bitter against working people. A very quick glance at your post history tells me you may want to spend a little less time obsessing over meme stocks and a little more time in self-reflection.


Epstein_Bros_Bagels t1_jd4ut8o wrote

Yeah I was a para last year and the wage really is shit. Mind you, I worked in a good district for teacher pay. I was making 19k last year, so I worked at Kroger's on the weekends. What's absolutely soul crushing is I knew students working in retail stores that made more than me. Heck one student worked at the same grocery store I worked at. Some classes I was pretty much teaching the content and at least once a week I was a substitute despite not getting the pay


NATIVE_COWBOY t1_jd6nsl4 wrote

$19k/year as a para is disgustingly low for what it entails.


DirtyDracula t1_jdamtsp wrote

I feel your pain. I was paid $17.50 an hour to be bitten, punched in the head, kicked, attacked with scissors, dodge thrown chairs, all while kept working right below the legal limit at which they'd have to pay me any kind of benefits. The only reason it worked out is because I was living at home at the time and could walk, no need to pay for a car or gas.