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kasira t1_jaebf5p wrote

Baby narc doo doo doo doo doo doo


jonathanrdt t1_jadlpm9 wrote

I have never met an actual toddler who spoke as described in the article.


MrDangerMan t1_jadm804 wrote

"And the whole daycare clapped.”


SheriffComey t1_jadmu0f wrote

Only person missing was his girlfriend but she's a toddler model that lives in Canada.


AudibleNod OP t1_jadz8at wrote

"She's on a photo shoot for a juice box brand you've never heard of."


Divio42 t1_jadvb51 wrote

still sounds contrived. I would expect that kind of dialogue from a kid acting in a 1950's era show like Leave It to Beaver.


redander t1_jadvker wrote

Not saying it isn't. A 5 year old could point to where a person went and tell the police they saw them though.


MrDangerMan t1_jaemqg5 wrote

Yeah and probably what happened is the kid spilled the beans like “but I just saw her in the laundry room, mommy!” And they turned the story it into “hero little child stands up and does the right thing despite the criminality and moral decay of their surroundings. There’s still good in this world!”


AudibleNod OP t1_jadmp3o wrote

I'll admit it does seem a bit contrived.


YaGirlKellie t1_jaducpt wrote

Poor kid is gonna grow up and realize he betrayed family for no benefit over their personal drug use. I feel bad for him.


OneManFreakShow t1_jadylxu wrote

She was on meth. I understand how dumb the war on drugs is, but are we really going to overcorrect so hard that we feel bad for meth users that will ultimately get rehabilitated from situations like this? Someone using meth should not have a kid in their house, full stop. I promise he’s going to be much better off than if he didn’t tell them where she was and she ended up ODing.


YaGirlKellie t1_jadyzce wrote

I want my family and friends who have drug problems to get medical help and social support not to get arrested, traumatized, and set back even further back in life by jail.

You are confusing prison with rehabilitation. It's not even close to the same.

The kid was, by the police's own admission, totally fucking fine and being taken care of and there were other adults in the house.


17times2 t1_jae60dw wrote

> I want my family and friends who have drug problems to get medical help and social support not to get arrested, traumatized, and set back even further back in life by jail.

As someone who has lived with a methhead family member, sometimes jail is the only way they're going to get clean for any amount of time. Didn't matter how many times we supported them and took them to rehab. At their core, they did not want to get better.

> The kid was, by the police's own admission, totally fucking fine and being taken care of and there were other adults in the house.

Speaking from experience, it's fine until one day it's not, they flip shit, and try to kill everyone in the house. I still remember my uncle's face, as he smashed in the passenger window of the pickup truck, trying to pull me out of it while my grandma was driving us away.


strik3r2k8 t1_jaefhx6 wrote

It’s a problem that it took jail to get them help. That criminalization was the priority.


OneManFreakShow t1_jadzl9m wrote

She wasn’t getting social support, she was living with a family of enablers while actively running from several warrants. This isn’t some sad case of someone losing their kids over weed, the woman had warrants for multiple charges.


Babybutt123 t1_jaemnxh wrote

Doesn't sound like he was her kid at all. Kid didn't live there, appeared healthy, happy, and didn't have signs of abuse.

My guess is his mom/dad is related to whoever has a drug problem.

I don't think active addicts should be around children (whether meth, booze, or whatever else), but he's also not getting removed from his parents nor is the addict his mom.

Also, criminalization of drug addiction doesn't solve the issue. If it did, we'd have won the war on drugs by now. Doesn't sound like she's committed property or violent crimes. Just that she's sick. Arresting her isn't helping anyone.


ADarwinAward t1_jaerhfg wrote

Don’t get me wrong kids should not be around meth addicts (they imply it’s not his mom). However, Kentucky prisons don’t rehabilitate meth heads lol. They never have and never will. It’s Kentucky, not fucking Norway.

She’ll be getting meth in prison and she’ll be a meth head when she gets out.


ThomasVivaldi t1_jaed5dz wrote

If we don't overcorrect things how are we going to be able to say that no middle ground is possible and that we should throw out any attempt to moderate or regulate society?


JennJayBee t1_jadkiz4 wrote

Gotta admit... I got about seven words into that headline and was expecting a much different ending.


Sneaky_Bones t1_jaed6uu wrote

I'd like to think if I were a cop, I'd pretend I didn't hear that and wish them a good evening and leave for fear of any consequences that kid might face for getting their family busted (unless the warrant was for something crazy like murder).


capt-yossarius t1_jaf457x wrote

How weird that the article neglects to mention how the 5 year old was related to the woman arrested. I guess "Child turns in mother" wouldn't pull the same clicks.