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jonathanrdt t1_jadlpm9 wrote

I have never met an actual toddler who spoke as described in the article.


MrDangerMan t1_jadm804 wrote

"And the whole daycare clapped.”


SheriffComey t1_jadmu0f wrote

Only person missing was his girlfriend but she's a toddler model that lives in Canada.


AudibleNod OP t1_jadz8at wrote

"She's on a photo shoot for a juice box brand you've never heard of."


Divio42 t1_jadvb51 wrote

still sounds contrived. I would expect that kind of dialogue from a kid acting in a 1950's era show like Leave It to Beaver.


redander t1_jadvker wrote

Not saying it isn't. A 5 year old could point to where a person went and tell the police they saw them though.


MrDangerMan t1_jaemqg5 wrote

Yeah and probably what happened is the kid spilled the beans like “but I just saw her in the laundry room, mommy!” And they turned the story it into “hero little child stands up and does the right thing despite the criminality and moral decay of their surroundings. There’s still good in this world!”


AudibleNod OP t1_jadmp3o wrote

I'll admit it does seem a bit contrived.