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rikki-tikki-deadly t1_j7mm96b wrote

He really is. He's basically the closest thing the United States has to a Darth Vader, except for the potential redemption arc.


PEVEI t1_j7mmx3y wrote

Henry Kissinger rises from his crypt



raevnos t1_j7mtdqv wrote

Kissinger is still alive!

But he probably sleeps in a coffin like the vampire he is.


Liet-Kinda t1_j7pb4lp wrote

I do not wish for any man’s death, but I would read a news article about Henry Kissinger getting set on fire with great relish


Copeshit t1_j7mtodd wrote

> He's basically the closest thing the United States has to a Darth Vader

Redditors try not to compare politics to Star Wars and superhero movies for children [impossible challenge]


Asyncrosaurus t1_j7nfjzm wrote

  1. Its not just reddit, it's all political discourse on the internet.

  2. You forgot to include Harry potter.


Copeshit t1_j7nu9wo wrote

> Its not just reddit, it's all political discourse on the internet.

It's overwhelmingly prevalent on reddit though, the "X is literally Palpatine/Voldemort" meme has been associated with the redditor stereotype since like 2018.

> You forgot to include Harry potter.

Redditors have quieted down on the Harry Potter references recently, for reasons related to JK Rowling that you probably already know about.


strahag t1_j7oce44 wrote

Star Wars is filled with political commentary. Though not the Darth Vader parts lol


ironroad18 t1_j7o7lpj wrote

The fact that Cheney has spoken out repeatedly against Trump is scary.

"I might have started a war for oil profits, but this mother fucker is a NEW type of evil."


rikki-tikki-deadly t1_j7oae57 wrote

I don't think Cheney sees Trump as evil - and I doubt he'd care if he did. He probably sees them as incompetent clowns who are fucking up his vision of a permanent (white male) American hegemony, which is why he has such disdain for them.


veringer t1_j7pqt2l wrote

Cheney is nothing if not organized, competent, and driven by a lust for power. He definitely doesn't care if Trump is evil, but likely recognized that a chaotic evil clown is a threat to order and the power structures he influences.


dhuntergeo t1_j7myn63 wrote

Plot twist: his daughter is the redemption arc


Now_Wait-4-Last_Year t1_j7p1adh wrote

No, she's also awful. Just slightly less so than those more awful people.

Unless of course the plot twist is that redemption arc is also awful (and not what we'd think is something that passes for redemption).