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kstinfo t1_j77ik28 wrote

That's pretty unspecific. You mean the, for example, the Texas National Guard against the FBI or the US Army. I know who my dollar would be on.

And you? Are you going to sign up? Or are you going to fight the fight from behind your keyboard?


Unlawful_Opinion t1_j77lxed wrote

>And you? Are you going to sign up? Or are you going to fight the fight from behind your keyboard

I mean, you are the one calling for the federal government to do the dirty work and lock down on peoples freedoms nationwide. Can't be less self aware than that


kstinfo t1_j77qmno wrote

" calling for the federal government to do the dirty work "

Yup. That's its job. In the Preamble, condensing the reason for everything that follows, the government's aim and intent is to "establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense".


[deleted] t1_j77napr wrote



kstinfo t1_j77op8y wrote

My way is to protect individuals and children from senseless murder. I have no regrets.


[deleted] t1_j77q0z4 wrote



kstinfo t1_j77rk52 wrote

You think any weapon you can buy will protect you from the government? You poor deluded soul. I'm not suggesting there are not ways to change or influence our government. Just that guns are not one of them.


[deleted] t1_j77t6dc wrote



kstinfo t1_j77zz8l wrote

We don't live in James Madison's world any more. Hell, we don't live in the democracy Madison favored any more.

Jimmy Carter: U.S. Is an ‘Oligarchy With Unlimited Political Bribery’

Your enemy is not the puppets but the puppet masters.