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skankenstein t1_j747665 wrote

I work primarily with Afghan children ages 6-12, teaching them to read. There is not one way to summarize them. They entered the country within months of each other yet their reading abilities vary.

Many of the girls have never been in school before. Some girls are more advanced than the others, and I’ve noticed they have older siblings or parents who already had English skills. The boys skills are more advanced than the girls; and many indicate they had English instruction in Afghanistan. There are a few parents who have indicated they do not worry about their girls’ education but that seems to vary family to family.

None are literate in their home language.

I feel very privileged to be able to help them adapt to their new country, even if they’re here temporarily. Many indicate the desire to return home one day.


_dead_and_broken t1_j777r0i wrote

>None are literate in their home language.

Not even the boys?? Or was the statement regarding just the girls?


skankenstein t1_j783x6o wrote

Few are, but I’m working with small children who have had their young lives in upheaval, who came when they were as young as five. Lots of trauma and loss and disruption, in the mix.

Their parents have reported a range of schooling that was accessible to their boys as well. Some of the schools still use severe corporal punishment and parents had to pay for private school to avoid abuse. Not all could afford.

The Dari and Farsi speakers are more literate and faster at picking up language which is likely w socio economic advantage over the Pashto speakers.


_dead_and_broken t1_j7845nf wrote

Ah, okay, thank you for explaining. I kind of figured that it was perhaps because they were super young and things are so tumultuous. Mostly I just wanted to be sure I read it right, that you meant both boys and girls and not just the girls.


skankenstein t1_j784egn wrote

One of my little girls is so bright, she is more advanced than her English only counterparts. I hope she knows she is going places.