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Skuddy587 t1_j8ncc19 wrote

Welcome to America! Where the innocent and poor spend thirty years in jail and the rich and guilty walk freely.


earhere t1_j8nipnu wrote

If a poor person commits a crime, they're a dirty scumbag criminal. If a rich person commits a crime, they "made a mistake."


SlykRO t1_j8nl0fr wrote

Only after 3 years of 'What evidence do they REALLY have though' do they admit there was a mistake


ADarwinAward t1_j8nzj94 wrote

And the prosecutor's office will never admit they were wrong even though the people involved in the original conviction have likely moved on to other jobs. Those prosecutors are absolute scum. And it's not even the first post about a prosecutor's office that pushed to convict innocent people. There's another post about a dirty cop who planted evidence on over 100 people and the prosecutor's office protected him for years until one new prosecutor decided that they didn't want to convict innocent people.

All they care about is getting convictions, not justice.


skeetsauce t1_j8o1pim wrote

Weird how a country that was founded by slave owning business men made a country that bends over backwards to satisfy business interests?