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davidreiss666 t1_j9986fw wrote

He was even a good President back in the day. He took a lot of shit because the economy took a nose dive and then the Iran Hostage crisis happened. But those responsible for the economy were Nixon and Ford. And when it came to Iran, Carter basically waited the Iranians out. He wanted the Hostages released. if he has nuked Tehran, he would have become super popular. But instead he waited them out and let the Iranians release the hostages eventually. Because he just waited them out, a lot of Americans thought that made the US look week. But the hostages came home. Which is what Carter wanted.

If Carter had killed five million Iranians with nuclear attacks and gotten all the hostages killed, people would have thought that looked strong and reelected him in 1980 by a giant landslide. Thank god Carter didn't do that.


drawkbox t1_j99gn3f wrote

Really the Soviet Invasion of the Middle East in Afghanistan, Iran and Syria in 1979 using fronts started terrorism. The Iran hostage crisis was literally the first Soviet active measure after they pushed the revolution there.

The Carter Doctrine, harkening back to the Truman Doctrine, those got both of those guys heavily attacked but needed to be done.

Carter has been a soldier for Western liberalized democratic republics with open fair markets, personal freedoms and fair elections.

After the Carter Doctrine they pushed inflation, energy cartels, espionage, all sorts of asymmetric weaponry at Carter and he was unfazed (sound familiar to today?).

Imagine how different the world would be if Carter had a second term. Biden has some parallels to Carter in a good way.

Underneath it all, Jimmy Carter was just a good human. He strived to make make a better quality of life for those around him and afar.


Ok_Ninja_1602 t1_j9afeqt wrote

Thanks for this, I didn't know, I too thought Carter played from a weak position but this is what we do now in diplomacy, I guess dept of State learned something from Carter.


Last_third_1966 t1_j99ajqr wrote

No. Those responsible for the bad economy were Kennedy and Johnson for plunging us into the Vietnam war.
