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neo_sporin t1_j9za80t wrote

Almost every state requires it for transparency. There are a few they allow for anonymous claims


squeevey t1_j9zoei2 wrote

There are about 17 states that allow anonymous claims when above a certain $ amount.


Morat20 t1_ja0ikzh wrote

About a third allow fully anonymous claims.

Even the ones that don't, in many (perhaps most) trusts can claim it. So winners set up a trust, and lawyers working for the trust claim it on behalf of the trust.

So the 'winner' might be two guys in really good suits with the name "ABC Trust". Now, the lawyers have to attest to a whole bunch of shit to ensure it's not an ineligible winner hiding behind the trust, but a big-name law firm isn't going to perjure themselves over what's really a pretty small amount of billable hours. THEY aren't winning tens or hundreds of millions.

Because if you win even a few million, a good law firm and account is worth every penny just for the work they'll do, but not having every dumb fuck you went to school with known you won is goddamn priceless.


IamAWorldChampionAMA t1_j9zr6b4 wrote

Arizona is one. I live in Nevada and my Dad and I decided to do a road trip for when the Powerball was big. We did research and decided even though you have to pay taxes in AZ, it's better to be anonymous.